
How to remove the "Enter again" filed from Create account portlet ?

7年前 に Shilpa B によって更新されました。

How to remove the "Enter again" filed from Create account portlet ?

Junior Member 投稿: 61 参加年月日: 12/08/02 最新の投稿
I have created a Hook to customize the Create account portlet, i'm using Liferay 6.2
to display password section i'm using "users.password1.name.always.autogenerate=true​" in portal.properties file.

I can see the two Password fields one is Password and another is Enter Again.

My requirement is I want to show only one Password filed i.e. Password, how achieve this one.

Please let me know solution for this requirement.
7年前 に Samuel Kong によって更新されました。

RE: How to remove the "Enter again" filed from Create account portlet ?

Liferay Legend 投稿: 1902 参加年月日: 08/03/10 最新の投稿
The easiest solution that I can think of is to turn the second password field into a hidden input field using a JSP Hook. After that, just add a bit of JavaScript to copy whatever value the first password field into the second hidden password field.
7年前 に Shilpa B によって更新されました。

RE: How to remove the "Enter again" filed from Create account portlet ?

Junior Member 投稿: 61 参加年月日: 12/08/02 最新の投稿
Hi Samuel Kong,

I have already tried with this solution but still its throwing error as "The passwords you entered do not match. Please re-enter your password."
Somehow it is not working.

Is there any other way to have it done?
7年前 に Samuel Kong によって更新されました。

RE: How to remove the "Enter again" filed from Create account portlet ?

Liferay Legend 投稿: 1902 参加年月日: 08/03/10 最新の投稿
Are you sure the form is submitting the same password for both password fields? Try double checking your JavaScript.
7年前 に Gaurav Jain によって更新されました。

RE: How to remove the "Enter again" filed from Create account portlet ?

Junior Member 投稿: 85 参加年月日: 16/07/12 最新の投稿
Hi Shilpa,

You can try this if you have not found the solution yet.

You just need to modify html/portal/update_password.jsp in following manner:

Replace the <aui:fieldset label="new-password"> section of original file with following code :

<aui:fieldset label="new-password">
<aui:input id="lfr-input-text-container" autoFocus="<%= true %>"
class="lfr-input-text-container" label="password" name="password1"
onchange="document.getElementById('lfr-input-text-container2').value = this.value; "
<input id="lfr-input-text-container2" class="lfr-input-text-container2" name="password2" type="hidden" />

Thats all.

This will fulfill your requirement.
7年前 に Shilpa B によって更新されました。

RE: How to remove the "Enter again" filed from Create account portlet ?

Junior Member 投稿: 61 参加年月日: 12/08/02 最新の投稿
I'm trying in the create_account.jsp file with the below code, but still its not working
Please suggest me anything is wrong.

function assignVal(){

<aui:input label="password1" name="password1" size="30"
type="password" value="" id="pwd" onblur="assignVal()"/>

<aui:input label="enter-again" name="password2" size="30"
type="hidden" value="" id="againPwd" >
<aui:validator name="equalTo">
'#<portlet:namespace />password1'

@Gaurav Jain: Why we have to customize the html/portal/update_password.jsp is there any specific reason, I yet to try with solution I will try and let you know.
7年前 に Gaurav Jain によって更新されました。

RE: How to remove the "Enter again" filed from Create account portlet ?

Junior Member 投稿: 85 参加年月日: 16/07/12 最新の投稿
Hi Shilpa ,

Shilpa B:
I'm trying in the create_account.jsp file with the below code, but still its not working
Please suggest me anything is wrong.

@Gaurav Jain: Why we have to customize the html/portal/update_password.jsp is there any specific reason, I yet to try with solution I will try and let you know.

No there is no any specific reason to this. You may do this in create_account.jsp too.

If you want to achieve your functionality through create_account.jsp then you must set following property to true in portal-ext.properties:


Because this is by default false. And if you have noticed there is a check just before password fields in create_account.jsp
So these fields will be there if and only if this property is true.

One more thing in java script when you try to get any aui element you need to use <portlet:namespace /> as follows:

document.getElementById("<portlet:namespace />password2").value=document.getElementById("<portlet:namespace />password1").value;