
Display articles from web content folder (asset pulisher)

8年前 に Dmitry Sergeev によって更新されました。

Display articles from web content folder (asset pulisher)

Junior Member 投稿: 34 参加年月日: 11/11/08 最新の投稿
Hi liferay gurus,

is there a way to display articles from a certain web content folder? I couldn't find it, but I still hope it's possible, just not obvious.
I use LR 6.2 CE GA4.

8年前 に Aravinth Kumar によって更新されました。

RE: Display articles from web content folder (asset pulisher)

Regular Member 投稿: 152 参加年月日: 13/06/26 最新の投稿
If you are looking for API
JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getArticles(groupId, folderId);
8年前 に Dmitry Sergeev によって更新されました。

RE: Display articles from web content folder (asset pulisher)

Junior Member 投稿: 34 参加年月日: 11/11/08 最新の投稿
Thanks, but unfortunately I'm looking for a way to do it with AssetPublisher configuration, not API.
But I'm starting to get a feeling that I will have to do it programmatically emoticon
8年前 に Aravinth Kumar によって更新されました。

RE: Display articles from web content folder (asset pulisher)

Regular Member 投稿: 152 参加年月日: 13/06/26 最新の投稿
Dont know.whether this will help you.Just give a try with this configuration
Then In asset publisher configuration

Under asset selection tab choose manual
Then under that asset entries select web content folder choose the folder you want.
8年前 に Dmitry Sergeev によって更新されました。

RE: Display articles from web content folder (asset pulisher)

Junior Member 投稿: 34 参加年月日: 11/11/08 最新の投稿
Yes, I've tried that. AP displays folder itself, not articles from the folder.
8年前 に Emma Liu によって更新されました。

RE: Display articles from web content folder (asset pulisher)

New Member 投稿: 9 参加年月日: 12/03/29 最新の投稿
Hi Dmitry,

As far as I know, this might not be possible for now without customization. You may try voting this ticket: LPS-53044.

8年前 に Dmitry Sergeev によって更新されました。

RE: Display articles from web content folder (asset pulisher)

Junior Member 投稿: 34 参加年月日: 11/11/08 最新の投稿
Thanks, Emma!
7年前 に Freddy Yang によって更新されました。

RE: Display articles from web content folder (asset pulisher)

New Member 投稿: 1 参加年月日: 16/09/09 最新の投稿
I still need this function for my app, and I searched, here is the solution, hope it will be helpful for some guys:
(You should replace the folderID with what you want.)

<#assign folderId = staticUtil["java.lang.Long"]>
<#assign folderId=folderId.valueOf("23826")>
<#assign groupId = themeDisplay.getSiteGroupId()>

<#assign journalArticleLocalServiceUtil = staticUtil["com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil"]>
<#assign journalArticleClazz = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.ClassResolverUtil"].resolveByPortalClassLoader("com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.JournalArticle")>
<#assign dynamicQueryFactoryUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.DynamicQueryFactoryUtil")>
<#assign portalClassLoader = objectUtil("com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.PortalClassLoaderUtil")>
<#assign propertyFactoryUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.PropertyFactoryUtil")>
<#assign orderFactoryUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.OrderFactoryUtil")>
<#assign projectionFactoryUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.ProjectionFactoryUtil")>

<#assign maxVersionArticle_dq = dynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(journalArticleClazz,"maxVersionArticle")>
<#assign VOID1 = maxVersionArticle_dq.add(propertyFactoryUtil.forName("articleId").eqProperty("articleByType.articleId"))>
<#assign VOID1 = maxVersionArticle_dq.setProjection(projectionFactoryUtil.max("id"))>

<#assign articleByType_dq = dynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(journalArticleClazz,"articleByType")>
<#assign VOID2 = articleByType_dq.add(propertyFactoryUtil.forName("id").eq(maxVersionArticle_dq))>
<#assign VOID2 = articleByType_dq.add(propertyFactoryUtil.forName("folderId").eq(folderId))>
<#assign VOID2 = articleByType_dq.add(propertyFactoryUtil.forName("groupId").eq(groupId))>
<#assign VOID2 = articleByType_dq.addOrder(orderFactoryUtil.desc("modifiedDate"))>

<#assign articles = journalArticleLocalServiceUtil.dynamicQuery(articleByType_dq)>

<#if articles?has_content>
	<#list articles as journalArticle>

The matched Java Code:

		List<journalarticle> articleList = null;

		try {

			//OrderByComparator obc = new ArticleModifiedDateComparator(false);
			//articleList = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getArticles(groupId, folderId, start, end, obc);
			DynamicQuery maxVersionArticle = DynamicQueryFactoryUtil
					.forClass(JournalArticle.class, "maxVersionArticle", PortalClassLoaderUtil.getClassLoader())

			// articleByType : Query will find the articles by its type and
			// appended the maxVersionArticle query so it will track only latest versions
			DynamicQuery articleByType = DynamicQueryFactoryUtil
					.forClass(JournalArticle.class, "articleByType", PortalClassLoaderUtil.getClassLoader())

			articleByType.setLimit(start, end);

			articleList = (List<journalarticle>) JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.dynamicQuery(articleByType);
		} catch (SystemException e) {
