
Impersonate User and Friendly URL

9年前 に Paul Proulx によって更新されました。

Impersonate User and Friendly URL

New Member 投稿: 1 参加年月日: 14/10/27 最新の投稿
We are using liferay 6.1.

I have run into a problem when impersonating a user that I can't seem to get around. This happens whether I create my own impersonation link or impersonate through the Liferay Control Panel.

The friendly url is created in the control panel and the link defined in a theme .vm file. <a href="/my-account">My account</a>

Once I impersonate a user, if I click on a link that is a friendly url the doAsUserId parameter is lost. Because I have an interceptor that checks this parameter by doing currentLiferayUser = PortalUtil.getUser(request), it comes up with the user that originally logged in since doAsUserId is gone.

My question is, how do I maintain the doAsUserId parameter? I have tried to define routes in a routes.xml file which is setup in the liferay-portlet.xml file but so far no luck. Do I have my routes.xml set up incorrectly? It seems as if doAsUserId should persist with a friendly URL so maybe this is a bug?

Thanks, Paul




<generated-parameter name="doAsUserId">{doAsUserId}</generated-parameter>
8年前 に Zsolt - Jácint Balogh によって更新されました。

RE: Impersonate User and Friendly URL

Junior Member 投稿: 91 参加年月日: 13/10/09 最新の投稿
Hi All,

I have the same problem with liferay 6.2 GA2.
How can I map the doAsUserId parameter?
This pattern "<pattern>.../{doAsUserId:\d+}</pattern>" will not work because this is passed like "?doAsUserId=sGl59sHgCjzHid6%2FvH%2FeEQ%3D%3D."

I have a custom url mapper class but I can't see this in the populateParams method parameterMap variable.
