
targetting correct struts forward option in URL parameters

11年前 に Dave Weitzel によって更新されました。

targetting correct struts forward option in URL parameters

Regular Member 投稿: 208 参加年月日: 09/11/18 最新の投稿
I am interfacing with the Liferay Shopping cart but want to by pass some of the user interfaces so the customer is presented with the final screen before going to Paypal.
I can set the right struts_action by :
lcartURL.setParameter("_34_struts_action", "/shopping/checkout",true);
however that action has multiple forwards defined.

How do I set the forward as a URL parameter ? I have tried:
lcartURL.setParameter("_34_struts_forward", "portlet.shopping.checkout_second",true);

and that doesn't work and I cannot see any way mentioned anywhere on how to do this.
Is there an easy way to do this?
