
PollerProcessor not triggered

11年前 に Ron J によって更新されました。

PollerProcessor not triggered

Junior Member 投稿: 45 参加年月日: 12/11/18 最新の投稿
I'm trying to configure a custom PollerProcessor but I can't seem to get the processor to trigger when I send requests from my js.. I've been using the Chat portlet and this post as references: http://agile-reflections.opnworks.com/2011/07/polling-liferay-portal.html

I don't see what I'm missing, I have a very simple poller class (extends BasePollerProcessor) with log statements in my methods (i never see them).

	protected void doReceive(PollerRequest req, PollerResponse res)
		throws Exception 
		log.info("doReceive invoked, request: " + req +"\r\nResponse: "+ res);
		JSONObject obj = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject();
                obj.put("title", "MyTitle");
                res.setParameter("content", obj);

The JS: Add listener
 Liferay.Poller.addListener(instance._portletId, instance._onPollerUpdate, instance);
                            function(event) {
                            	console.log("Removing poller listener");

send and update functions
send: function(options, id) {
                       var instance = this;
                       console.log("options:" + options + " id: " + id);
                       Liferay.Poller.submitRequest(instance._portletId, options, id);
                  _onPollerUpdate: function(response, chunkId) {
                	  console.log("Got poller update"); 

I do notice that there's a JSON parsing error but there's no line/file. Maybe that error prevents the request from actually being executed to my poller processor?
firebug output:

options:[object Object] id: undefined
POST http://localhost:8080/poller/send 200OK 6ms
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected end of data

Anyone see this before?
7年前 に azhar shaikh によって更新されました。

RE: PollerProcessor not triggered

Junior Member 投稿: 43 参加年月日: 15/08/29 最新の投稿
I am having the same issue.Have you resolved it? or any solution?