
Add User (Contributor)

11年前 に Atahar Khan によって更新されました。

Add User (Contributor)

New Member 投稿: 17 参加年月日: 12/10/26 最新の投稿
while using method

jobTitle="Organization Contributor";
role = RoleLocalServiceUtil.getRole(companyId, jobTitle);

user = UserLocalServiceUtil.addUser(serviceContext.getUserId(), companyId, false,password, password, false, screenName, emailAddress, 0L, "", locale,firstName, "",
"", 0, 0, true, 1, 3,1986, jobTitle, gpId, orgId, roleids,null, false, serviceContext);

assigning role as Contributor, But this contributor is able to add web content on every site,
and web content added by this contributor is shown on every site,

is it a problem with permission or configuration,

Please guide me
