
Friendly url multiple language

11年前 に gerald hemmers によって更新されました。

Friendly url multiple language

Junior Member 投稿: 93 参加年月日: 08/05/13 最新の投稿
Hi All,

I found the following problem and i think i'm missing a configuration setting. I have setup a portal with multiple pages, I have configured a standard language and de friendly url in my standard language.

Let's say i have a page with a friendly url /news.
All my news is multilanguage.... so form example in Dutch ' news' is called ' nieuws'

Is it possible to create a friendly url for the menu 'news' in the english version of the menu item and a friendly url 'nieuws' for the dutch menu item.

How good i configure this?

Thanks a lot for your time!

Greets, Gerald.
11年前 に Dominik domih によって更新されました。

RE: Friendly url multiple language

Junior Member 投稿: 57 参加年月日: 08/11/10 最新の投稿
You could try to create a page with type URL. Name the page "nieuws" and set the url to the english news page and append a GET param like ...&struts_action=%2Flanguage%2Fview&languageId=cs_CZ ....

Btw, I got the param from the languages portlet.
11年前 に Sampsa Sohlman によって更新されました。

RE: Friendly url multiple language

Regular Member 投稿: 230 参加年月日: 07/09/27 最新の投稿

gerald hemmers:
I found the following problem and i think i'm missing a configuration setting. I have setup a portal with multiple pages, I have configured a standard language and de friendly url in my standard language.

Let's say i have a page with a friendly url /news.
All my news is multilanguage.... so form example in Dutch ' news' is called ' nieuws'

This was dicussed also couple of years ago https://www.liferay.com/community/forums/-/message_boards/message/4294015

gerald hemmers:
Is it possible to create a friendly url for the menu 'news' in the english version of the menu item and a friendly url 'nieuws' for the dutch menu item.

How good i configure this?

You could use Liferay site's per language and then define with simple Hook the used language for your site. This will bring a burden to have many sites per language, but basically you can have own domain names for them.

I'm also developing custom solution for this, but I have not released it yet.
11年前 に gerald hemmers によって更新されました。

RE: Friendly url multiple language

Junior Member 投稿: 93 参加年月日: 08/05/13 最新の投稿
Thanks for the options. this will give me a solution to implement it.

It is not perfect but this will work.

Greets, gerald
11年前 に gerald hemmers によって更新されました。

RE: Friendly url multiple language

Junior Member 投稿: 93 参加年月日: 08/05/13 最新の投稿
Sampsa Sohlman:

I'm also developing custom solution for this, but I have not released it yet.

I'm very interested in your custom solution. DO you have any plan to release it to the liferay app store? Maybe we can help with the development.

greets, gerald
11年前 に Sampsa Sohlman によって更新されました。

RE: Friendly url multiple language

Regular Member 投稿: 230 参加年月日: 07/09/27 最新の投稿
I'm modifying 6.1.x branch. There are changes on example some core LR classes like PortalImpl, PortalInstances and those cannot be hooked so as plugin it would need to be ext-plugin. The implementation also makes some current Liferay 6.1.x features as obsolete. I'm calling feature SiteUrl and it basically replaces current VirtualHost and I18Servlet functionality. It is working, but some link generation is not done yet, so you have to wait for a while.

I'm going to update my personal portal top of that customized LR version, so there will be a demo emoticon and I'm going to make improvement issue also to Liferay Jira.