
Configuration of link_to_layout element to show only certain pages

11年前 に Dámaris Suárez によって更新されました。

Configuration of link_to_layout element to show only certain pages

New Member 投稿: 14 参加年月日: 12/08/28 最新の投稿

I´m working with Liferay 6.1 CMS, and have arranged a number of pages, private and public inside my portal. I have added a web content display element, and inside of it, a link_to_layout element, defined in my structure A.

By default, this element shows all the pages available, regardless having my user rights to access them or not. Is there any way to restrict that? I tried making some pages not visible for my user, but they are still shown in the link_to_layout element, as shown in the picture.

The code for my structure A is pretty normal:

<!--?xml version="1.0"?-->

	<dynamic-element name="varLinkToPage1" type="link_to_layout" index-type="" repeatable="false">
			<entry name="displayAsTooltip">false</entry>
			<entry name="required">false</entry>
			<entry name="instructions"></entry>
			<entry name="label">varLinkToPage1</entry>
			<entry name="predefinedValue"></entry>

Does anyone know how to link somehow permissions with what can be selected from this selection element?

