Liferay Community Projects

Projects driven by Liferay's Community.

Proposing a new Community Project

New Community Project Questionnaire
This questionnaire is intended to be filled out by community members who wish to initiate a new Liferay Community Project. The answers will be used to create the project site and assign initial membership. Please answer all questions before submission. You will be contacted by a community representative to finalize your proposal.
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This information will be used to contact you to set up your new project.

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Note that the name can be anything you want, but should not be too generic, as the name is often the first and only thing people look at when deciding whether to investigate your project further.

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Use as much space as you need. You should answer things like: Motivation for the project, Goals of the project, Benefits of the technology (for both developers and end users), Relationship to Liferay (how does the project take advantage of Liferay’s features?), and other relevant information. Note that this text will be referenced when creating the initial project’s description on the project home page, so make it good!

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For each founder, please include: Full Name, Company (optional), Title, Link to profile, and Contact information (email, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, blog, other)

Each member must eventually have a account, so for each member, include a link to their profile. If they do not yet have an account, indicate as such.

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Please see a good rundown of licenses and their attributes on the Open Source Licenses wikipedia page.

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You will need a way for your project to track the status of issues that arise during development. You can use an external site, or even a forum thread or wiki page as a lightweight alternative.

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For example, is this project just an idea of yours, or do you have an initial design, or is there already an initial version that is mostly complete?

Once approved, your project’s pages will be added to and relevant announcements will be made to inform the community. You should also advertise and recruit new members for your project, to help make it successful!

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