Liferay Saudi Arabia User Group

Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from Saudi Arabia


Liferay Saudi Arabia User Group #

Welcome to the Liferay Saudi Arabia User Group.  Our goal is to form a group of people in Saudi Arabia that work with, have used, are investigating, or are simply interested in Liferay and are located in Saudi Arabia.

Latest News #

Welome to the Group!  Please register and come along to our inaugrual meetup - see Upcoming Events below.

Upcoming Events #

See the Full Calendar for all events.

Join #

The Liferay Saudi Arabia User Group is always seeking new members to join in the discussion and participate in the group.

To join

  • Just comment and introduce yourself to other members in the team @  Forum
  • Keep follow our user group for Events and activites
  • Like and join our Saudi group Facebook Page

Frequently Asked Questions #

See the FAQ page

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Commenti Autore Data
Hi Rizwan bhai, As salaamu alaikum va... Ahamed Hasan 16 giugno 2016 2.27
Wasalam Hasan Bhai, You are added, Thanks for... Mohamed Rizwanuzaman 16 giugno 2016 2.36
Salam Alikum brother Rizwan Kindly, Add me to... Muaath Bin Ali 30 luglio 2017 9.39

Hi Rizwan bhai,

As salaamu alaikum va rahmatullah !!

Good to see this user group. It will be great if you can add me to this group.

Inviato il 16/06/16 2.27.
Wasalam Hasan Bhai,

You are added, Thanks for participating in our group
Inviato il 16/06/16 2.36 in risposta a Ahmed Hasan.
Salam Alikum brother Rizwan

Kindly, Add me to this group
Inviato il 30/07/17 9.39.