Autosave comes to blogs

This is a feature I know many of us have been desperately wanting for quite a while. In fact, it's something that many of us miss from other blogging apps, and we now have it.

So, to kind of show off what we have, I'll include screenshots from this very blogging session.
Isn't this awesome?!

Notice the time? Every ten seconds, we automatically save your draft until you click publish. This means that if your browser locks up (thanks a ton, Firefox 3 b5), or your whole system wonks out (*cough*Vista*cough*) you'll be assured that you'll have an up to date copy of your blog entry waiting for you to go back to it.

You know what else is great about it? Let's say you go back to your draft, and you decide the title isn't right, it automatically updates the friendly URL for you as well.

Is that more bang for your buck or what?

Now what happens if you go to see your blogs, how do you know which ones are your drafts? Wonder no longer. Take a look:

Man, Nate is one snazzy UI designer ;)

See how it has a grey box around it with the dark grey text and the icon? That's how you know it's not published yet.

We're contemplating a few ways to mark it as a draft manually, but we shall see.

Another question that might come up, what happens if you're editing an already published blog entry, does it autosave that? No. Mainly because of the big issue of let's say you accidentally type something up that the world wasn't meant to see, you definitely wouldn't want the world to see it, let alone see it in a state of flux. Or if you go in and edit, and accidentally delete everything you wrote, you sure wouldn't want that autosaved.

We have so much awesome stuff coming down the pipe, but I don't want to mention it just yet. But let's just say that I think it will just solidify even more why we're the number 1 open source portal.


I am looking for a blog tool to support a new blog website with user base any where btw 10- 30 million users (open to public). Do you recommend Blog portal of liferay i know the portal, content management solution pretty well, but new to take decision for the blog solution using liferay.
I have build a similar functionality in one of the custom portlet. On local, when the session expire warning shows up and there is 1 second for the session to expire. The Auto save script runs, auto saving the content. But when the environment is slow, the Ajax request is fired and session expires before it could give a response. Is there a way to increase the number of seconds for auto save before session expires..
