Liferay Featured @ HTML5 Gallery

Good news, everyone; has been featured at HTML5 Gallery for our recent move to HTML5. Visit their entry for Liferay @

What is HTML5 Gallery? HTML5 Gallery showcases sites using HTML5 markup, and right now we're one of only five commercial sites listed, and within that category one of only two in English. We're also the only featured portal company running HTML5. Take the time to check out the site, other sites running HTML5, and rate some of your favorite HTML5 websites.

What is HTML5 and what is all the fuss about? HTML5 is a new version of HTML which addresses new challenges we face in modern web development; everything from writing web applications and maintaining sanity, creating more distinguished content using shiny, new elements, acknowledging the huge accessibility advances and opportunities available in HTML5, and offering the future of web media using Video, Audio, and Canvas.

Are browsers going to support this new HTML5 wonderful-ness? Yes, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Opera have been supporting much of HTML5 for months, and Microsoft is "all in" in IE9. Older Internet Explorer browsers can support the structural markup of these new elements with an enabling script.

HTML5 will also have a significant impact on Search Engine Optimization because we're adding value to entire sections of content as strong and emphasis elements have done for portions of content. This translates to accurate, relevant, pinpointed search results.

So what did the fine folks at HTML5 Gallery have to say? Here's the quote from their notes.

Liferay is a provider of market leading open source portal, web publishing, content, and collaboration solutions. The outline of the site is good with each section clearly defined. I'm not too sure about using the article element for the rotating banners on the homepage though. I wouldn't describe this as content that "is intended to be independently distributed".

As cliche as it may sound, our move to HTML5 has presented many exciting new opportunities and challenges. HTML5 is the new frontier, so the benefit of innovation reaps in many rewards (both for now and for the future), but also comes with the risk of getting it wrong too. Personally, I'm thrilled that we were acknowledged for the Outliner friendliness, especially considering the above thoughts on SEO. As for making banner an article, I'm still considering the best way to move forward in scenarios where you would group collections previews or archives of content. Do these groups of article snippits compose their own complete article? Their own complete section? Are they actually several articles (with individual outlining weight of their own) in one larger container?

The discussion never ends and the beat goes on.

With the way that the web is moving, I'm proud that we're one of the companies pushing and pursuing advancement for it. I really love the fact that we're doing all these advancements in a really reasonable and timely manner.

Being in conversations with you and hearing the rational behind much of the work we implement into Liferay, I can really say that the overall shift to HTML5, CSS3, and other markups, makes this time- the best time to do this.

This is truly awesome work!
Awesome and Proud that We are also the only featured Portal company running HTML5.Thank You for moving to HTML 5 emoticon.