Liferay Belgium User Group

Meet and Collaborate with Liferay Community members in and around Belgium.

Étiquettes: belgium event beliug

First Beliug Event is planned on June 20th.

Hello Liferay addicts,

Your patience will be rewarded ! On June 20th we invite you to the first BeLiug activity.

During this gathering you can meet other users, chitchat about neat features, brag about your implementation, ask around for more information or bright ideas, ....

We will organise a few lightning talks of each 15 minutes about several hot topics.

If you want to address fellow users yourself , or if you have inspiration for a talk you can always contact us at or post a comment on the liferay website.

See you then !!

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Jelle Van der Linden

BDM Liferay - Project...

Pieter Ardinois

Managing Partner RedTree


Carlo Werbrouck

Membre à part entière

thierry vleeracker

Membre à part entière

Olena Vinnyk

Membre à part entière

Wouter Vernaillen

Freelance Liferay...

frederik vannieuwenhuyse

Membre à part entière

Jelle Van der Linden

BDM Liferay - Project...

Kennedy Onyancha

IT Consultant / Developer

Thomas Metten

Java Solution Engineer...

Peter Mesotten

Portal Architect /...

Sammy Maris

Membre à part entière

Tom Mahy

ECM Consultant

Timmy M.

Membre à part entière

Bert Godon

Membre à part entière

Carl Gisleskog

Membre à part entière

Renaud Fallier


Laurent Dullier

Membre à part entière

Jorn De Prins

Liferay Consultant @...

Koen Cleynhens

Membre à part entière

Pieter Ardinois

Managing Partner RedTree

Michael Adamczyk

Liferay Expert