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Executing a TestNG File with several classes

micah williams, modifié il y a 6 années.

Executing a TestNG File with several classes

New Member Envoyer: 1 Date d'inscription: 28/09/17 Publications récentes
Move the initialization logic as part of either:

org.testng.ITestListener – If you would like the setup to be executed only once per <test> tag ( i.e., instead of using @BeforeTest)
org.testng.ISuiteListener – If you would like the setup to be executed only once per <suite> tag ( i.e., instead of using @BeforeSuite)
Use the setAttribute() method to persist the initialized data as an attribute of either the ITestContext (this represents a <test> tag ) or ISuite (this represents a <suite> tag).
Wire in this listener into TestNG via :
the <listeners> tag (or)
the @Listeners annotation (or)
Service loaders.</listeners></suite></test></suite></test>

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