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Alloy UI Tabeview doesn't work on multiple web contents

Bruno Lima, modifié il y a 7 années.

Alloy UI Tabeview doesn't work on multiple web contents

Junior Member Publications: 49 Date d'inscription: 20/05/14 Publications récentes

I'm facing a strange behavior with the Alloy UI Tableview inside a custom web content template: When I instantiate two web content portlet using the same custom template, only the first works as a expected! The second one doesn't change tabs like the first.

Here's my custom web content template:


  function(Y) {
    new Y.TabView(
        srcNode: '#myTab'

<ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#$tab1">Em Andamento </a></li> <li><a href="#$tab2">Concluídos </a></li> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div id="$tab1" class="tab-pane"> <table class="table table-striped"> <tbody><tr> <td>Nr. OS</td> <td>Escopo</td> <td>Tipo</td> <td>Status</td> <td>Data Início</td> <td>Data Conclusão</td> <td>Tamanho (PF)</td> <td>Acompanhamento</td> </tr> #if (!$Nr_OS.getSiblings().isEmpty()) #foreach ($cur_Nr_OS in $Nr_OS.getSiblings()) #if($cur_Nr_OS.Status.getData() != "Concluida") <tr> <td>$cur_Nr_OS.getData()</td> <td>$cur_Nr_OS.Escopo.getData()</td> <td>$cur_Nr_OS.Tipo.getData()</td> <td>$cur_Nr_OS.Status.getData()</td> <td>$dateUtil.getDate($dateUtil.newDate($getterUtil.getLong($cur_Nr_OS.Dt_Inicio.getData())), " dd/MMM/yyyy ", $locale)</td> <td>$dateUtil.getDate($dateUtil.newDate($getterUtil.getLong($cur_Nr_OS.Dt_Conclusao.getData())), " dd/MMM/yyyy ", $locale)</td> <td>$cur_Nr_OS.Tamanho_PF.getData()</td> <td>$cur_Nr_OS.Acompanhamento.getData()</td> </tr> #end #end #end </tbody></table> </div> <div id="$tab2"> <table class="table table-striped"> <tbody><tr> <td>Nr. OS</td> <td>Escopo</td> <td>Tipo</td> <td>Status</td> <td>Data Início</td> <td>Data Conclusão</td> <td>Tamanho (PF)</td> <td>Acompanhamento</td> </tr> #if (!$Nr_OS.getSiblings().isEmpty()) #foreach ($cur_Nr_OS in $Nr_OS.getSiblings()) #if($cur_Nr_OS.Status.getData() == "Concluida") <tr> <td>$cur_Nr_OS.getData()</td> <td>$cur_Nr_OS.Escopo.getData()</td> <td>$cur_Nr_OS.Tipo.getData()</td> <td>$cur_Nr_OS.Status.getData()</td> <td>$dateUtil.getDate($dateUtil.newDate($getterUtil.getLong($cur_Nr_OS.Dt_Inicio.getData())), " dd/MMM/yyyy ", $locale)</td> <td>$dateUtil.getDate($dateUtil.newDate($getterUtil.getLong($cur_Nr_OS.Dt_Conclusao.getData())), " dd/MMM/yyyy ", $locale)</td> <td>$cur_Nr_OS.Tamanho_PF.getData()</td> <td>$cur_Nr_OS.Acompanhamento.getData()</td> </tr> #end #end #end </tbody></table> </div> </div>

Thank you all
Víctor Ponz, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Alloy UI Tabeview doesn't work on multiple web contents (Réponse)

New Member Publications: 14 Date d'inscription: 03/12/14 Publications récentes
You can not have two div's with the same id. So, try to use a random id for each tableview

Hope it helps
Bruno Lima, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Alloy UI Tabeview doesn't work on multiple web contents

Junior Member Publications: 49 Date d'inscription: 20/05/14 Publications récentes
I've put some random numbers but I forgot the Id inside AUI script!
$mathTool.random(1,20) worked fine for me because $mathTool.getRandom() returns a float value and a " . " inside a div id is not allowed.


  function(Y) {
    new Y.TabView(
        srcNode: '#$masterTab'
