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Adding custom meta tags from custom portlet

Tomi Savolainen, modifié il y a 14 années.

Adding custom meta tags from custom portlet

New Member Publications: 6 Date d'inscription: 13/10/08 Publications récentes

I would like to know is there a way to add html meta-tags in Liferay. I would like to be able to add meta-data in a page that would read the data from a portlet and write it in the head of a html-page. I know only that there is a method in PortalUtil that can

Thanks in advance
Tomi Savolainen, modifié il y a 14 années.

RE: Adding custom meta tags from custom portlet

New Member Publications: 6 Date d'inscription: 13/10/08 Publications récentes
addProperty method in RenderResponse should probably do the trick but I can't get it to create an element that would not be null. Has anybody managed to do this?
Tomi Savolainen, modifié il y a 14 années.

RE: Adding custom meta tags from custom portlet

New Member Publications: 6 Date d'inscription: 13/10/08 Publications récentes
I guess this is solved

httpRequest.setAttribute(MimeResponse.MARKUP_HEAD_ELEMENT, Arraylist.asList("bar", "foo");
Orin Fink, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Adding custom meta tags from custom portlet

Junior Member Publications: 65 Date d'inscription: 25/03/10 Publications récentes
Inside a Spring MVC based portlet I was successful in adding the meta tags in the following manner. This example was built specifically for adding the Open Graph Meta tags that I wanted. Your use may vary...

    @RequestMapping(params = "action=detail-view")
    public String detailView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, Model model){

        buildOpenGraphMetaTag("og:title", "The Rock", response);
        buildOpenGraphMetaTag("og:url", "", response);
        buildOpenGraphMetaTag("og:image", "", response);
        return "view";


    private void buildOpenGraphMetaTag(String property, String content, RenderResponse response){

        Document doc = null;
        try {
            doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument();
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {

        Element element = doc.createElement( "meta");
        element.setAttribute( "content", content );
        element.setAttribute( "property", property );
        response.addProperty( MimeResponse.MARKUP_HEAD_ELEMENT, element );
