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How to apply the validation for aui select in liferay 6.1

Kiran Kumar Boyini, modifié il y a 11 années.

How to apply the validation for aui select in liferay 6.1

Expert Publications: 287 Date d'inscription: 02/06/11 Publications récentes
Hi All,

I want to use liferay validations with validator tag.But I am not able write the validaton for select element with <script> tag or <aui:script> tag
In jsp code :

<aui:input name="releaseName" label="Release Name :" showrequiredlabel="<%= false %>" inlinefield="true">
		<aui:validator name="required" />
     <aui:select name="status" id="status" label="Status :" showrequiredlabel="<%= false %>" inlinefield="true">		
		<aui:option value="0">&lt;--Select--&gt;</aui:option>
		<aui:option value="1">Started</aui:option>
		<aui:option value="2">Not Started</aui:option>				
                 <aui:button type="submit" value="submit">

Note : you are code should not be destrub the existed functionality.

Please suggest me how can I achieve either using <script> tag or <aui:script> tag .If possible provide the submition with button tag also.
