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Liferay js object or aui

Eduardo Pacheco, modifié il y a 11 années.

Liferay js object or aui

New Member Publications: 16 Date d'inscription: 20/07/12 Publications récentes
Hi everyone!

I would like to know if I should avoid using Liferay js object and use AUI whenever possible. I am using the below code for a panel wich meets my interface "display" requirements: It has a help icon/message, is collapsable, is collapsed by default and has a title.

<liferay-ui:panel-container id="panel-test-container">
	<liferay-ui:panel title="availablepieces-title" collapsible="true" defaultstate="collapsed" helpmessage="availablepieces-help" id="panel-test">
			bla bla bla
			bla bla 
			bla bla

My problem is that I don't know how to inject my custom code (callback) into the object to execute when it is expanded, that is, make a ajax call. I have used AUI successfully for other UI components, it is clean, ok and I can find documentation about it.

I have 2 options: use aui:panel (I don't get it to display the way I want) and do it as I have been doing before or find out how to get my code called using liferay-ui.

Suggestions? Links for documentation? As always, thanks very much for the help.