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Liezl Ardo
Error Page Exception Issue - Using Liferay 6.2 EE with WebSphere 8.5
12 mars 2014 18:45

Liezl Ardo

Rang: Youngling

Publications: 1

Date d'inscription: 28 janvier 2014

Publications Récentes

Hi Everyone,

I am installing Liferay6.2 EE on WAS8.5, my OS is RHEL6.4, and after going to localhost:9080 (I used liferay.ia.local:9080 (same as localhost), as seen in the screenshot), it showed me this error:

Error Message: javax.servlet.ServletException: Filter [Invoker Filter - REQUEST]: Could not find required filter class - com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet.filters.invoker.InvokerFilter.class
Error Code: 500
Target Servlet:
Error Stack:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet.filters.invoker.InvokerFilter

I also noticed that after I ran my Liferay app, it wasn't able to generate its Liferay folder in my AppServer folder like it used to do before (When I was using CE before). Maybe this is the reason behind my issue? If so, does anyone already encountered this problem and know how to resolve this? Any insights/suggestions will be helpful.

And also, another question. The dependencies I put in my <APP_SERVER_ROOT>/lib/ext folder is the same dependencies I used for Liferay CE, the one you can download in Are these the same dependencies should I be using for Liferay EE?

Has anyone experienced this issue before? Could anyone help me by sharing their insights or suggestions about solving this issue? It will be much appreciated!

James Min
RE: Error Page Exception Issue - Using Liferay 6.2 EE with WebSphere 8.5
13 mars 2014 14:03

James Min

Rang: Youngling

Publications: 9

Date d'inscription: 14 août 2006

Publications Récentes

Those are the wrong dependency jars. You need the EE versions. The correct ones are here (in the dropdown menu):

The installation steps are exactly the same for EE as they are for CE. You just use the EE version of the portal WAR and dependency jars. I'm not sure why it is not creating the folders but the structure of the install is exactly the same. Here is the Websphere 8.5 install docs for reference: