Liferay Portal EE Trial Forums

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Jeisson Perez
Problem installing Liferay EE Trial
26 novembre 2013 11:10

Jeisson Perez

Rang: Youngling

Publications: 1

Date d'inscription: 22 novembre 2013

Publications Récentes

Hello all,

I've been tried to install my trial, I followed the next steps:

I downloaded the "liferay-portal-6.1.30-ee-ga3-20130812170130063.war" war alone, and the dependecies for that version.

I have my weblogic installed.

I put the dependencies on the domain/lib folder, and started my server, then when I start to deploy my liferay version, got this error:

13:51:40,798 ERROR [ ExecuteThread: '15' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'][MainServlet:217]
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempting to deploy an older Liferay Portal version. Current build version is 6130 and attempting to deploy version 6102.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempting to deploy an older Liferay Portal version. Current build version is 6130 and attempting to deploy version 6102.

But, Ok I know that there says that I have an older version, but when I downloaded this liferay version, there said 6.1.3.

So, I dont understand this issue.

James Min
RE: Problem installing Liferay EE Trial
3 décembre 2013 10:17

James Min

Rang: Youngling

Publications: 9

Date d'inscription: 14 août 2006

Publications Récentes

Can you verify that from the Weblogic admin that an older version is completely uninstalled? f you have installed the correct version of the WAR and jar files, there could be some lingering metadata in Weblogic that still has an older version loaded. You may have to clean it all out and try again.