3.1.2 GA 3 and Installers Released

Hello all,

We are pleased to announce the third release for Liferay IDE and Studio Installers. This version is mainly for bug fixes.


Liferay IDE 3.1.2 GA3

You can update or install the new release of Liferay IDE using either of the following links as usual:


If you have already installed one of the previous milestones, you can upgrade to the latest by just using ‘Check for Updates…’.  The /latest/milestone/ link will contain the latest 3.1.2 GA release as well.  

For full list of the bundles that includes Eclipse Neon 3 JavaEE package with Liferay IDE 3.1.2 pre-installed:


Liferay Developer Studio 3.1.2 GA 3

For customers, they can download Liferay Developer Studio on the customer studio download page. You can upgrade from Studio 3.1 B1 or 3.1 GA1 or 3.1 GA2 through Help > Install New Software... dialog, but it can’t be upgraded from other previous versions, 3.0 and before.

Upgrade From previous 3.1.x:

  1. download updatesite here

  2. Go to Help > Install New Software… > Add...

  3. Select Archive...Browse to the downloaded updatesite

  4. Click OK to close Add repository dialog

  5. Select all features to upgrade then click > Next, again click > Next and accept the license agreements

  6. Finish and restart to complete the upgrade


New Installers: Liferay Developer Studio


Same as the previous 3.1 GA release, the installer is the full fledged Liferay Developer Studio installer which installs Liferay workspace, blade, Developer Studio and comes pre-bundled with latest Liferay DXP server.


These installers will install the blade CLI program as well as optionally initialize a Liferay Workspace directory or generate token in your {user.home}/.liferay folder, the {user.home}/.liferay folder will be generated automatically if it doesn’t exist. Aslo a user can optionally choose the activation key file during installation.


Import liferay workspace from installer is available on welcome page. It will import the liferay workspace and initialize a server bundle using the name of liferay workspace.


Bug fixes:


  1. IDE-2588

  2. IDE-3137

  3. IDE-3155

  4. IDE-3182

  5. IDE-3144

  6. IDE-3367

  7. IDE-3360

  8. IDE-3354



If you run into any issues or have any suggestions please come find us on our community forums or report them on JIRA (IDE project), we are always around to try to help you out. Good luck!
