Liferay IDE 3.1 Milestone 3 Released

Hello all,


We are pleased to announce that we have pushed a new release of Liferay IDE 3.1 to the milestones updatesite. You can install the new release here as usual:


For full list of the bundles that includes Eclipse Neon 3 JavaEE package with Liferay IDE 3.1 M3 pre-installed:

This is the 3rd milestone release (See this blog entry for highlights of the 3.1 M2 release.)

Some release highlights include:

  • New Liferay JSF Project

    • Gradle

    • Maven

  • Liferay Maven Support

    • Liferay Maven Workspace Support

    • Liferay Maven Module Project Fragment

  • Improved Code Upgrade Tool

  • Miscellaneous bug fixes


New Liferay JSF Project

We now support for developing JSF projects for portal 7 through New Liferay JSF Project wizard, recognizing both gradle and maven based war projects, and deploying these projects to Liferay 7.


Liferay Maven Support

We now have new Maven support for new Liferay Workspace Project Wizard and new Liferay Module Project Fragment.




We are going to release IDE 3.1 Beta 1 very soon and Liferay Workspace Installer and Liferay Developer Studio will be available.



If you run into any issues or have any suggestions please come find us on our community forums or report them on JIRA (IDE project), we are always around to try to help you out. Good luck!
