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Building the Social Office From trunk

Karim HJ, modificado hace 12 años.

Building the Social Office From trunk

New Member Mensajes: 15 Fecha de incorporación: 23/03/11 Mensajes recientes

I would like to get a pre-version of social office 2.0 (~july2011) by get it from SVN.
So I got Liferay Portal 6.1, SDK 6.1... and now I should have to deploy latest SO Porlets into my SDK and portal.

What I did:

I followed the wiki page explaining how to build the Social Office Trunk using the Liferay IDE.

I have just skipped the part "Compile Liferay Portal 6.1.0 from Trunk" by downloading the nighly build from here.
My Liferay Portal 6.1.0 works.

I recreated the SDK 6.1.0 from SVN. (reading this ) . It works.

I configured my eclipse IDE using my fresh new 6.1.0 SDK (not 6.0.6)

My problem:

So I downloaded the plugins used by social office from SVN.
- Hook Plugins
- Portlets
- Theme

I fixed and converted projects, exactly as written in the wiki.
(dynamic web modules 2.5)

But I still see a lot of red ...

Sometimes include tags reference a non-existing page. (maybe pages will be correctly linked when copied into the liferay-portal portlets folder )
Sometimes it's a not-defined variable (it is normal because this jsp page is a just fragment )
And sometimes it not-existing import path in java class.

I do not understand, how to get a development environnement with no repulsive "red" errors. (Red is bad :-))
I think it should be "straight forward" as possible for new liferay developers .

- Has it to be like that ?
- Where did I it wrong ?
- What are the portlets used by social office 2.0 ? Maybe some are useless now ?
- Is there a updated document about it ?

Karim HJ, modificado hace 12 años.

RE: Building the Social Office From trunk

New Member Mensajes: 15 Fecha de incorporación: 23/03/11 Mensajes recientes
I did one more step forward:
i don't like that but it's a quick trick : desactivate jsp validation.
You can follow this liferay wiki article.

So you can make jsp errors go away.
I did it only for the "so-hook" portlet.

Karim HJ, modificado hace 12 años.

RE: Building the Social Office From trunk

New Member Mensajes: 15 Fecha de incorporación: 23/03/11 Mensajes recientes
so-hook requires,
Karim HJ, modificado hace 12 años.

RE: Building the Social Office From trunk

New Member Mensajes: 15 Fecha de incorporación: 23/03/11 Mensajes recientes
Eventually the problem is that I am using the 6.1.0 libraries that do not work with so office portlets from the trunk, that are still built and tested with 6.0.6 liferay portal.

The next version of liferay will be "version normalized" ? (SDK 6.1 ,Liferay Portal 6.1 , Social Office 2.0/6.1)