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Liferay 7 and target audiences/segmentation features!

PANAGIOTIS NIKOLAKEAS, modificado hace 6 años.

Liferay 7 and target audiences/segmentation features!

New Member Mensajes: 5 Fecha de incorporación: 23/06/16 Mensajes recientes
What strategies can I use to address the operational risks in case of a single instance Liferay 7 hosting multiple applications with different target audiences?

Additionally, could you please map the capabilities to be delivered to the Liferay 7 out of the box available features ?

Thanks in advance!
Samuel Kong, modificado hace 6 años.

RE: Liferay 7 and target audiences/segmentation features!

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 1902 Fecha de incorporación: 10/03/08 Mensajes recientes
You can get a second server and cluster the portal (although this currently requires DXP)

The portal feature page can be found at
PANAGIOTIS NIKOLAKEAS, modificado hace 6 años.

RE: Liferay 7 and target audiences/segmentation features!

New Member Mensajes: 5 Fecha de incorporación: 23/06/16 Mensajes recientes
I would like to address the operational risks in case of a single instance Liferay 7 hosting multiple applications with different target audiences.
Samuel Kong, modificado hace 6 años.

RE: Liferay 7 and target audiences/segmentation features!

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 1902 Fecha de incorporación: 10/03/08 Mensajes recientes
What kind of operational risks are you thinking of? What is the different target audiences you are referring to?