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High CPU session - high Load on the DB till it crashes

Srikanth Reddy, modificado hace 7 años.

High CPU session - high Load on the DB till it crashes

New Member Mensajes: 24 Fecha de incorporación: 22/10/13 Mensajes recientes
Hi Team,
I work on Liferay 6.1 and last week when we added an Index-Hook (JournalArticle) to our present system, we ran into this problem.
Before showing my logs ,would like to explain the present system in detail.
  • We have been using liferay since 5.X ,we migrated it to successive Liferay releases and now we have our Prod on Liferay 6.1
  • Point to note is ,we had some external JAR (spring Interceptors ) for using Custom Indexing ,which we moved till 6.1 last year and everything worked smoothly.
  • Recently we decided to move out of this patch files and use Liferay Index-Hook and where able to implement and test everything on stage successfully.
  • But when we moved the Index Hook and removed the old Patch files(external-jars) from our system.
  • When we start the server everything works smoothly and new Indexing is being used/called when we add an article(Journal) by Liferay. So far so good .

ISSUE: After loading few pages ,I see these errors on my log file i.e connection pool error
DBCExceptionReporter:82] Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object

log file below
17:56:09,160 ERROR [ajp-bio-4558-exec-174][JDBCExceptionReporter:82] Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object
17:56:09,166 ERROR [ajp-bio-4558-exec-174][IncludeTag:167] Current URL /press-release-content?type=webcontent&articleId=1786758 generates exception: com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException: com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.ORMException: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query
java.util.NoSuchElementException: Timeout waiting for idle object
        at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(
        at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.PoolingDataSource.getConnection(
        at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(
        at com.liferay.portal.dao.jdbc.util.DataSourceWrapper.getConnection(
        at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.getPreparedStatement(
        at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.getPreparedStatement(
        at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.prepareQueryStatement(
        at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.prepareQueryStatement(
        at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQuery(
        at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQueryAndInitializeNonLazyCollections(
        at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList(
        at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.listIgnoreQueryCache(
        at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.list(
        at org.hibernate.hql.classic.QueryTranslatorImpl.list(
        at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.performList(
        at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.list(
        at org.hibernate.impl.QueryImpl.list(
        at com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.hibernate.QueryImpl.list(
        at com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.hibernate.QueryImpl.list(
        at com.liferay.portlet.asset.service.persistence.AssetEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByC_C(
17:56:09,209 ERROR [ajp-bio-4558-exec-7][JDBCExceptionReporter:82] Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object
17:56:09,210 ERROR [ajp-bio-4558-exec-7][IncludeTag:167] Current URL /feature-content?type=webcontent&articleId=1786641&Country_Site=GL&POSITION=Social+Media&REFERRING_SITE=Twitter&CREATIVE=Corporate%20Communications+Cisco++Article+Graphic generates exception: com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException: com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.ORMException: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query
java.util.NoSuchElementException: Timeout waiting for idle object
        at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(
        at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.PoolingDataSource.getConnection(
        at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(
        at com.liferay.portal.dao.jdbc.util.DataSourceWrapper.getConnection(
        at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.getPreparedStatement(
        at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.getPreparedStatement(
        at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.prepareQueryStatement(
        at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.prepareQueryStatement(
        at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQuery(
        at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQueryAndInitializeNonLazyCollections(
        at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList(
        at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.listIgnoreQueryCache(
        at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.list(
        at org.hibernate.hql.classic.QueryTranslatorImpl.list(
        at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.performList(
        at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.list(
        at org.hibernate.impl.QueryImpl.list(
        at com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.hibernate.QueryImpl.list(
        at com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.hibernate.QueryImpl.list(
        at com.liferay.portlet.asset.service.persistence.AssetEntryPersistenceImpl.fetchByC_C(

Note: After checking this logs ,We update no of "activeconnection=100" & "maxpoolsize=100" in our data source definition
But Again we ran into this issue ,but this time with 2-3min delay after server is loaded.And I started getting mails from my DB team
"High CPU Load sessions from XXXXX Schema" -asking me to explain why so many connection?.

Here is the Logs I received from DB team .

SPID        SID SERIAL# USERNAME        MACHINE                  SQL_ID        SQL_HASH_VALUE MODULE                                             STATUS   EVENT
-------- ------ ------- --------------- ------------------------ ------------- -------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------
                    INACTIVE SQL*Net message from client
22743       221   27180 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
26428      1168   44203 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
21348       411    2139 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
22437      1355   53914 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
20643        29     506 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
14132      1367   10338 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
20645        34   21034 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
14943       216   11341 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
20647       409    5129 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
22739       794   26418 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
26430       219   11615 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
22748       977   38323 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
24091      1166   49229 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
26131        22   10196 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
25043       220   10635 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client
25179       410   61808 XXXXXX           prod-server            3rca9sp05ps60     1079697600 JDBC Thin Client                                   ACTIVE   SQL*Net message from client

Please Note this query below
Following are the sql_text(2000 chars) for the above sql_id's

SQL_ID             SQL_TEXT
------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3rca9sp05ps60      select * from ( SELECT JournalArticle.* FROM ( SELECT groupId AS
                    tempGroupId, articleId AS tempArticleId, MAX(version) AS tempVe
                   rsion FROM JournalArticle   INNER JOIN ( SELECT scope, primKey,
                   roleId, ownerId FROM ResourcePermission WHERE (ResourcePermissio
                   n.companyId = 10132) AND ( = 'com.liferay
                   .portlet.journal.model.JournalArticle') AND (ResourcePermission.
                   scope = 4) AND (MOD(ResourcePermission.actionIds, 2) = 1) AND (R
                   esourcePermission.roleId IN (10139)) ) InlineSQLResourcePermissi
                   on ON (((InlineSQLResourcePermission.primKey = CAST(JournalArtic
                   le.resourcePrimKey AS VARCHAR(4000))) AND (((JournalArticle.grou
                   pId = 10157)))))   WHERE (JournalArticle.companyId = :1 ) AND (g
                  roupId = :2 ) AND (classNameId = :3 ) AND ( (articleId LIKE :4
                   OR :5  IS NULL) AND  (lower(title) LIKE :6  OR :7  IS NULL) AND
                   (description LIKE :8  OR :9  IS NULL) AND (content LIKE :10  OR
                   :11  IS NULL) AND (displayDate >= :12  OR :13  IS NULL) AND (dis
                   playDate <= :14  OR :15  IS NULL) AND ( (status = :16 ) AND (rev
                   iewDate <= :17  OR :18  IS NULL) ) ) GROUP BY groupId, articleId
                    ) TEMP_TABLE INNER JOIN JournalArticle ON (TEMP_TABLE.tempGroup
                   Id = JournalArticle.groupId) AND (TEMP_TABLE.tempArticleId = Jou
                   rnalArticle.articleId) AND (TEMP_TABLE.tempVersion = JournalArti
                   cle.version) WHERE (type_ = :19  OR :20  IS NULL) AND   (Journal
                   Article.companyId = :21 ) ORDER BY JournalArticle.modifiedDate D
                   ESC ) where rownum <= :22
c93hph0596h1n      select * from ( SELECT JournalArticle.* FROM ( SELECT groupId AS
                    tempGroupId, articleId AS tempArticleId, MAX(version) AS tempVe
                   rsion FROM JournalArticle   INNER JOIN ( SELECT scope, primKey,
                   roleId, ownerId FROM ResourcePermission WHERE (ResourcePermissio
                   n.companyId = 10132) AND ( = 'com.liferay
                   .portlet.journal.model.JournalArticle') AND (ResourcePermission.
                   scope = 4) AND (MOD(ResourcePermission.actionIds, 2) = 1) AND (R
                   esourcePermission.roleId IN (10139)) ) InlineSQLResourcePermissi
                   on ON (((InlineSQLResourcePermission.primKey = CAST(JournalArtic
                   le.resourcePrimKey AS VARCHAR(4000))) AND (((JournalArticle.grou
                   pId = 10157)))))   WHERE (JournalArticle.companyId = :1 ) AND (g
                   roupId = :2 ) AND (classNameId = :3 ) AND ( (articleId LIKE :4
                   OR :5  IS NULL) AND  (lower(title) LIKE :6  OR :7  IS NULL) AND
                   (description LIKE :8  OR :9  IS NULL) AND (content LIKE :10  OR
                   :11  IS NULL) AND (displayDate >= :12  OR :13  IS NULL) AND (dis
                   playDate <= :14  OR :15  IS NULL) AND ( (status = :16 ) AND (rev
                   iewDate <= :17  OR :18  IS NULL) ) ) GROUP BY groupId, articleId
                    ) TEMP_TABLE INNER JOIN JournalArticle ON (TEMP_TABLE.tempGroup
                   Id = JournalArticle.groupId) AND (TEMP_TABLE.tempArticleId = Jou
                   rnalArticle.articleId) AND (TEMP_TABLE.tempVersion = JournalArti
                   cle.version) WHERE    (JournalArticle.companyId = :19 ) ORDER BY
                    JournalArticle.modifiedDate DESC ) where rownum <= :20

Not sure what this query about ? and surely its not coming from my application . As I tested my production server by removing all the portlets,hooks and theme.
Still saw this issue.

Any help is appreciated .
I had to roll back my changes on PROD server emoticon.

Shoda Srikanth
Srikanth Reddy, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: High CPU session - high Load on the DB till it crashes

New Member Mensajes: 24 Fecha de incorporación: 22/10/13 Mensajes recientes
Note : Why this connection pool issue,when nothing is changed ,except removing external Jars . It works fine when I rollback these external jars i.e remove my Index hook ....
Not sure what is causing it ?

Srikanth Reddy, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: High CPU session - high Load on the DB till it crashes

New Member Mensajes: 24 Fecha de incorporación: 22/10/13 Mensajes recientes
Srikanth Reddy:
Note : Why this connection pool issue,when nothing is changed ,except removing external Jars . It works fine when I rollback these external jars i.e remove my Index hook ....

I looked into some of the source and noticed that these queries are fro JournalArticlePersistenceImpl class which in turn is calling custom SQL defined in journal.xml file.

<sql id="com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.persistence.JournalArticleFinder.findByC_G_C_A_V_T_D_C_T_S_T_D_S_R">
						groupId AS tempGroupId, articleId AS tempArticleId, MAX(version) AS tempVersion
						(companyId = ?) AND
						(groupId = ?) AND
						(classNameId = ?) AND
							(articleId LIKE ? [$AND_OR_NULL_CHECK$]) [$AND_OR_CONNECTOR$]
							(version = ?) [$AND_OR_CONNECTOR$]
							(lower(title) LIKE ? [$AND_OR_NULL_CHECK$]) [$AND_OR_CONNECTOR$]
							(description LIKE ? [$AND_OR_NULL_CHECK$]) [$AND_OR_CONNECTOR$]
							(content LIKE ? [$AND_OR_NULL_CHECK$]) [$AND_OR_CONNECTOR$]
							(displayDate &gt;= ? [$AND_OR_NULL_CHECK$]) [$AND_OR_CONNECTOR$]
							(displayDate &lt;= ? [$AND_OR_NULL_CHECK$]) [$AND_OR_CONNECTOR$]
								(status = ?) AND
								(reviewDate &lt;= ? [$AND_OR_NULL_CHECK$])
						groupId, articleId
					JournalArticle ON
						(TEMP_TABLE.tempGroupId = JournalArticle.groupId) AND
						(TEMP_TABLE.tempArticleId = JournalArticle.articleId) AND
						(TEMP_TABLE.tempVersion = JournalArticle.version)
				(type_ = ? [$AND_OR_NULL_CHECK$]) [$AND_OR_CONNECTOR$]
				(structureId LIKE ? [$AND_OR_NULL_CHECK$]) [$AND_OR_CONNECTOR$]
				(templateId LIKE ? [$AND_OR_NULL_CHECK$]) [$AND_OR_CONNECTOR$]
				(companyId = ?)
				id_ ASC

Now looks like I need to check production jars ,not sure if any of the spring-jars have be causing it ?.
Will test with weekend ,as I wont be able to bring down production on week days or night emoticon

Any suggestions what else I can look for ?..

Shoda Srikanth
Srikanth Reddy, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: High CPU session - high Load on the DB till it crashes

New Member Mensajes: 24 Fecha de incorporación: 22/10/13 Mensajes recientes
As I tried to work on this issue past weekend ,but no luck yet emoticon.
But at least I narrowed it down ! Debugging is a challenge .

Case 1:
  • 1. Removed all the User defined portlets ,hooks,layouts from webapps (removed all components from server).
  • 2. Removed all the jars from tomcat/webapps/Web-Inf/lib and replaced them with news jars extracted from new Tomcat bundle 6.1.2 EE .
  • 3. Finally also replaced jars from tomcat /lib directory with new set of jars.

Even all this I get the same error when I start my server. Not sure what is causing this .Its a plain server with nothing in it expect the DB and some other properties set.

NOTE: ISSUE may be from below list of points.
My DB size (i.e. number of records in my DB is 60K for journal article and so on...),Its a huge.
And My configuration of Data Source (i.e. DB configuration in server.xml) is below .

Something is wrong with my configuration ,which is causing this database connection pool issue ,as shown on the top of this forum.
But what is surprising is that when I roll back my patch files and all my components it works perfect . With no issues.

    <resource name="jdbc/newsdb" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=xyz)))" validationQuery="SELECT 1 FROM DUAL" connectionProperties="SetBigStringTryClob=true" username="xyz" password="****************" maxActive="20" maxIdle="10" maxWait="5000" maxPoolSize="50" minPoolSize="10" acquireIncrement="5" />

Can someone good at DB let me know how to debug this issue and find the root cause for it.
What are the things I need to look for ,while address such issue.
Any suggestion or help is appreciated .

Olaf Kock, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: High CPU session - high Load on the DB till it crashes

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 6403 Fecha de incorporación: 23/09/08 Mensajes recientes
You give the impression that you have changed/added some jars without giving details, and it seems to work well when you revert the changes. In that case (not knowing your actual changes and the reasons for them) I'd say: Go without your changes. Anything you change from a default set of libraries is likely to cause issues that are only experienced by yourself.

And as long as you don't give us a clue what you actually change and why, there's not much of an answer that anyone here could give you.

Further on, there are several inconsistencies in your description: e.g. tomcat/webapps/Web-inf/lib does not exist. 6.1.2 is not an EE release.
Srikanth Reddy, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: High CPU session - high Load on the DB till it crashes

New Member Mensajes: 24 Fecha de incorporación: 22/10/13 Mensajes recientes
Hi Olaf Kock,
My bad , its tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib & 6.1.3 EE to be exact
The reason for all this to occur is
1) This portal was build 5-6 years back when I was not around.
2) There where too many patch files written by previous developer ( 10-15 jars) under tomcat/lib/ext & tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib.
These were used for custom Indexing.bookmarks,Imagegallery,Remote publishing etc.... Not sure why so many patch files ,clearly a Bad choice.
3) So when we started working on this Portal ,we build it with 6.0 .X and had to move those patch files along with us as we wanted site to be up and major components were depended on these patch files .We started improving the performance and some more patches were added ,making things more complex and tightly coupled. Once the site was stable ,we wanted to clean up the server and remove these file one by one ,without effecting the server going offline.
4) One & half years back we decided to move to 6.1.x and remove these patch files as much as possible. Migration gave us Hard time ,but we were able to migrate it with minimal patch files ( only 2 ) .We removed most of the patch file and moved to 6.1.X Liferay . Things were very good . The only patch file which were on Server was for Index & Cache. Site work absolutely fine now . But I wanted to get rid of these and start building new things .
And also wanted to move to Liferay 6.2.X or Liferay 7 without any of the patch files & a Clean Liferay bundle .-
Finally we build everything using Hooks and removed the final patch files from our DEV-STAGE servers.Everything was tested on Dev & Stage .
Site worked smoothly without these patch files and gave us good response .We even started our plan for migration .
But when we push these changes to prod ,I came across this issue.

I know the inputs shared here is not be sufficient for anyone to commit or address the issue. The only way one can understand the issue is by understanding our past and present environment .Cant help it emoticon
But what I am looking is for any suggestion to debug it and find the root cause . I know once I find the root cause ,I can fix it .
Will be working on it and will be trying different options ..

Olaf Kock, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: High CPU session - high Load on the DB till it crashes

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 6403 Fecha de incorporación: 23/09/08 Mensajes recientes
Srikanth Reddy:
My bad , its tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib & 6.1.3 EE to be exact

Nope, still not quite exact. If it's 6.1.3, then it's CE.

When you say "patch jars" this sounds like somebody changed Liferay's sourcecode and recompiled? That would be a bad choice and exactly what ext-plugins have been built for: You can keep your own changes neatly separated from the portal code, compile independently and have a standardized merge and deploy mechanics.

Srikanth Reddy:
I know the inputs shared here is not be sufficient for anyone to commit or address the issue

Unfortunately this is true. And I don't even understand what exactly happens with which custom code, and what you changed - so I don't have an idea where to look at. Remove all custom code, inspect it before adding it back. Test each individual step
Srikanth Reddy, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: High CPU session - high Load on the DB till it crashes

New Member Mensajes: 24 Fecha de incorporación: 22/10/13 Mensajes recientes
Olaf Kock:
When you say "patch jars" this sounds like somebody changed Liferay's sourcecode and recompiled?

Yes ! these are patch jars written on top of Liferay's sourcecode and recompiled to work on Liferay.

Olaf Kock:

Unfortunately this is true. And I don't even understand what exactly happens with which custom code, and what you changed - so I don't have an idea where to look at. Remove all custom code, inspect it before adding it back. Test each individual step

Yes ! I am trying to clean the bundle and then add my plugin components one by one. But the movement I remove everything and restart server ,things look fine for some time 3-5 min ,than I get this connection pool issue , without loading any component emoticon

Need to understand what is causing this issue. As I removed all the patch files and My custom plugins from the server .All I have is Datasource config in server.xml and portal -ext properties.

Also trying to reach DB team to find the MaxPoolsize & Maxactive values for my DB .

Olaf Kock:
Nope, still not quite exact. If it's 6.1.3, then it's CE.

Its an 6.1 EE ,not sure which minor version .

Olaf Kock, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: High CPU session - high Load on the DB till it crashes

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 6403 Fecha de incorporación: 23/09/08 Mensajes recientes
Srikanth Reddy:
Yes ! these are patch jars written on top of Liferay's sourcecode and recompiled to work on Liferay.

Well, all bets are off then. You have some random unknown code and nobody here will be able to provide anything as we have even less clues than you about what goes on.

Srikanth Reddy:
Its an 6.1 EE ,not sure which minor version .

patching-tool will tell you. However, it's funny that you're running a supported version and the first thing that seems to have been done is to wreck any opportunity to install a patch or get support. Not sure what the motivation of those that did it was.
Srikanth Reddy, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: High CPU session - high Load on the DB till it crashes (Respuesta)

New Member Mensajes: 24 Fecha de incorporación: 22/10/13 Mensajes recientes
Hi Olaf Kock,
Happy to share that I was finally able to fix the issue. I did search a lot in the patch files, hoping to find something on Connection Pooling.
After lot of debug , trail & errors notice that issue is when I configure DBCP connection properties in Liferay . When I use C3P0 connection pooling ( liferay's default CP) ,It works smoothly . Not sure why its throwing exceptions when I use DBCP ?.
Anyway I have googled about C3P0 & DBCP connection pooling and found C3P0 having an edge .

I know its a big mess by carrying these old patch files on our back soo long , but we didn't had much choice . Now its time to clean this and have a clean slate of installation of Liferay and use Plugins to do our customization.
Last thing which is pending from my side is to reindex the data(70K journal articles) on my site , so it can use my custom hook for extending Liferay Indexing.
Will try it with weekend .Lets hope it goes smooth.

Will keep you posted on this .
Appreciate your help Olaf,

Robert Meissner, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: High CPU session - high Load on the DB till it crashes

Junior Member Mensajes: 76 Fecha de incorporación: 26/02/15 Mensajes recientes
We have a similar problem here with the jdom library especially SAXBuilder:

When we input an xml with a wrong character, we get Error: End-of-File, expected line, connections go up and the error occurs,
liferay Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object