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Capturing URL type in Alloy-Ui

Arunjyoti Banik, modificado hace 7 años.

Capturing URL type in Alloy-Ui

Junior Member Mensajes: 74 Fecha de incorporación: 26/08/14 Mensajes recientes
I want to capture any url type through aui script. Suppose I have a jsp where I am using 3 types of url: action, render and resourceURL provided by liferay. there are 3 different buttons which are using these 3 different type of url respectively. Depending on the button that has been clicked, i want to capture the url attached with it in aui script. How can i do it?

And if possible, please guide me on when to use which modules of this alloy ui. I am pretty confused on figuring it out.

Kyle Joseph Stiemann, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: Capturing URL type in Alloy-Ui

Liferay Master Mensajes: 760 Fecha de incorporación: 14/01/13 Mensajes recientes
Hi Arun,
What are you trying to accomplish? You can obtain the current url with (non-AlloyUI) javascript: window.location.href. If you want to capture the url which is somehow included in your button, you will need to post the markup of your buttons.

- Kyle