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HTTP API for the Journal

frett frett, modificado hace 17 años.

HTTP API for the Journal

New Member Mensajes: 11 Fecha de incorporación: 19/06/06 Mensajes recientes
Hi @all,<br />when I examined some of the Journal&#39;s predefined templates, in ABOUTUS-NEWS I found an expresion looking like<br /><br /><!--fonto:Courier New--><span style="font-family:Courier New"><!--/fonto-->http://@portal_url@/c/journal/get_articles?templateId=BASIC-RSS-ITEM&amp;delta=4&amp;orderBy=displayDate<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc--><br /><br />which basically gave me the hint that there must be some built-in variables that can be used in the stylesheets (like &#39;@portal_url@&#39;) as well as a kind of API to the Journals content which allows to query the content by certain article attributes.<br /><br />Does anybody know if (and if yes, where) these features are documented ?