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ckeditor - how to add custom plugin ?

Jakub Liska, modificado hace 13 años.

ckeditor - how to add custom plugin ?

Regular Member Mensajes: 187 Fecha de incorporación: 25/03/10 Mensajes recientes

could please anybody help me to add a plugin to ckeditor ? I'm trying to add this one , but after I added the plugin file into ckeditor plugins directory and added this :
config.extraPlugins = 'wordcount';


The script doesn't seem to be loaded...

Then I tried to add it into ckconfig.jsp and when I loaded the JSP page with
<liferay-ui:input-editor width="700" height="400" />

ckconfig.jsp was loaded twice as well as this configuration in the ckconfig.jsp

CKEDITOR.config = function( config )
        config.extraPlugins = 'wordcount';

but the plugin simply didn't load up

Only error that I got is comming from ckconfig.jsp
Resource interpreted as script but transferred with MIME type text/html.
Jakub Liska, modificado hace 13 años.

RE: ckeditor - how to add custom plugin ?

Regular Member Mensajes: 187 Fecha de incorporación: 25/03/10 Mensajes recientes
I finally made it work like this (ckconfig.jsp):

CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'wordcount';

which doesn't give me any chance to set up the parameters of the plugin, but never mind...
Mariappan K, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: ckeditor - how to add custom plugin ?

New Member Mensajes: 5 Fecha de incorporación: 6/08/16 Mensajes recientes
Hi Frds,
I tried to add extra plugins in ckeditor
First I was add the config.js Like
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
// Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
// config.language = 'fr';
// config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';

config.extraPlugins = 'lite';
ck editor.jsp
add this below
config.extraPlugins = 'ajaxsave,media,restore,scayt,wsc,lite';

config.toolbar_liferay = [
['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike'],

<c:if test="<%= inlineEdit %>">
['AjaxSave', '-', 'Restore'],

['Undo', 'Redo', '-', 'Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste', 'PasteText', 'PasteFromWord', ],
['Styles', 'FontSize', '-', 'TextColor', 'BGColor'],

['NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Outdent', 'Indent'],
['JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock'],
['Image', 'Link', 'Unlink', 'Anchor'],
['Flash', <c:if test="<%= XugglerUtil.isEnabled() %>"> 'Audio', 'Video',</c:if> 'Table', '-', 'SpecialChar'],
['Find', 'Replace', 'SpellChecker', 'Scayt'],
['SelectAll', 'RemoveFormat'],
['Subscript', 'Superscript']
I was run this ckeditor but I seen the tool bar no icon for(Lite) track changes Icon.
can you help me?