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pop up showing just a Web Content

François LE QUEMENER, modificado hace 14 años.

pop up showing just a Web Content

Junior Member Mensajes: 48 Fecha de incorporación: 18/09/09 Mensajes recientes
I'd like to show a pop up with a web content inside. It seems quite easy but I can't get it done :

<input type="button" value="RSS" onClick="var rssWindow ='
			<liferay-portlet:renderURL windowState=" <%="LiferayWindowState.POP_UP.toString()" %>" portletName="&lt;%= PortletKeys.JOURNAL %&gt;"&gt;
				<portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/journal/view_article_content" /><portlet:param name="redirect" value="<%= currentURL %>" />
				<portlet:param name="articleId" value="10761" />
			'directories=no, height=640, location=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, 
			scrollbars=yes, status=no, toolbar=no, width=680');
			rssWindow.focus();" /&gt;

It says :

15:32:54,705 WARN  [PortalImpl:2948] Current URL /web/guest/home?p_p_id=15&amp;p_p_lifecycle=0&amp;p_p_state=maximized&amp;p_p_mode=view&amp;_15_struts_action=%2Fjournal%2Fview_article_content&amp;_15_redirect=%2Fweb%2Fguest%2Fhome%3Fp_p_id%3D58%26p_p_lifecycle%3D1%26p_p_state%3Dmaximized%26p_p_mode%3Dview%26saveLastPath%3D0%26_58_struts_action%3D%252Flogin%252Fcreate_account&amp;_15_articleId=10761 generates exception: null
15:32:56,695 ERROR [PortletRequestProcessor:345] Forward does not exist

Do you have any idea?
Michael Poznecki, modificado hace 14 años.

RE: pop up showing just a Web Content

Expert Mensajes: 301 Fecha de incorporación: 10/12/08 Mensajes recientes
Try setting your pop-up in a script and add the function to your button.

<input type="button" value="Open" onClick="openWindow();" id="btnOpenWindow">

Then in your Javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">

function openWindow()
var html =	"
<liferay-portlet:renderURL windowState="<%= LiferayWindowState.POP_UP.toString() %>" portletName="<%= PortletKeys.JOURNAL %>">
 <portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/journal/view_article_content" /><portlet:param name="redirect" value="<%= currentURL %>" />
 <portlet:param name="articleId" value="10761" />

popup = Liferay.Popup({
					width: 680,
					modal: true,
					noDraggable: true,
					noTitleBar: true,
					message: html,
					messageId: "title"});


I'm not exactly sure about putting your liferay-portlet tags in there, but I use this for regular HTML.
François LE QUEMENER, modificado hace 14 años.

RE: pop up showing just a Web Content

Junior Member Mensajes: 48 Fecha de incorporación: 18/09/09 Mensajes recientes
That's a good try but I renders the same result:

Here is your shot, that I corrected :
		<script type="text/javascript">

function openWindow()
var html = "<liferay-portlet:renderURL windowState="<%= LiferayWindowState.POP_UP.toString() %>" portletName="<%= PortletKeys.JOURNAL %>">
 <portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/journal/view_article_content" /><portlet:param name="redirect" value="<%= currentURL %>" />
 <portlet:param name="articleId" value="10761" />

popup = Liferay.Popup({
                    width: 680,
                    modal: true,
                    noDraggable: true,
                    noTitleBar: true,
                    message: "",
                    messageId: "title"});



		<input type="button" value="Open" onClick="openWindow();" id="btnOpenWindow">

Result : the same but in a more beautiful way (in a js pop up) !
Romain Dequidt, modificado hace 10 años.

RE: pop up showing just a Web Content

New Member Mensajes: 10 Fecha de incorporación: 9/03/13 Mensajes recientes
My webcontent adjustement source:

<p>Sample of webcontent with a link displaying a dialog containing anothe webcontent </p>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    AUI().ready('aui-dialog','aui-dialog-iframe','liferay-portlet-url', function(A) {
		var linkPopup ='#popupLink');
		linkPopup.on('click', function(event){   
			var url = Liferay.PortletURL.createRenderURL();
			url.setPortletId("56"); //  "Web Content Display" portlet ID
			url.setParameter("_56_groupId", Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getScopeGroupIdOrLiveGroupId()); 
			url.setParameter("_56_articleId", "10717"); // webcontent ID
			window.myDialog = new A.Dialog(
					title: 'Test d affichage d un webcontent dans une popup',
					width: 640,
					centered: true
					uri: url.toString(),
					iframeCssClass: 'dialog-iframe'


<a href="#" id="popupLink">Popup link</a>
domu ansor harahap, modificado hace 10 años.

RE: pop up showing just a Web Content

New Member Mensaje: 1 Fecha de incorporación: 19/06/13 Mensajes recientes
try this one,

create 1 jsp page eq, contentPopup.jsp, n load ur web content here

JournalArticle article = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getLatestArticle(themeDisplay.getPortletGroupId(), 221640);
<liferay-ui:journal-article articleId="<%= article.getArticleId() %>" articleResourcePrimKey="<%= article.getResourcePrimKey() %>" groupId="<%=themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId() %>" languageId="<%=themeDisplay.getLanguageId() %>" showAvailableLocales="<%=false %>" />

Then in your Javascript:

<portlet:renderURL var="contentPopupURL1" windowState="<%= LiferayWindowState.EXCLUSIVE.toString() %>">
<portlet:param name="jspPage" value="/html/contentPopup.jsp"/>
<portlet:param name="redirect" value="<%= currentURL %>"/>

<script type="text/javascript">
function showPopupContent() {
AUI().use('aui-dialog', 'aui-io', 'event', 'event-custom', function(A) {

var dialog = new A.Dialog({
title: 'Process',
centered: true,
//xy: ['center', 200],
width: 943,
height: 298,
draggable: true,
modal: true
}).plug(A.Plugin.IO, {uri: '<%= contentPopupURL1 %>'}).render();;


And button:

<input type="button" value="Open" onClick="showPopupContent();" id="btnOpenWindow" />