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Content Manager/Creator, User Manager on Liferay 5.2

Hesediel Jackson, modificado hace 14 años.

Content Manager/Creator, User Manager on Liferay 5.2

Junior Member Mensajes: 37 Fecha de incorporación: 10/03/09 Mensajes recientes
Hi everyone,

I've tried to create role allowing to users to manage/create content and I've tried to create another role allowing users to manage other user. So basically, I've just tried to create a Content Manager/Creator Role and an User Manager Role on Liferay 5.2.

The main idea was :
  • User who is assigned to the Content Manager/Creator Role can see somtehing like this on his Control Panel :

    Note: For people who are not familiar with french emoticon :
    Mon compte = My account, Contenu = Content, Bibliothèque = Library.
  • User who is assigned to the User Manager Role can see something like this on his Control Panel :

    Note : Once again :
    Portique = Portail... The others translations of words are obvious I think emoticon.

  • To do this, in the Roles, I've declared :
    • For the Content Manager/Creator, I've set rights on the application Web Content and on Library which allow users to approve articles, add file, add folder, etc ...
    • For the User Manager, I've set rights on Administration application in order to allow users to create users accounts, assign users to communities, etc...

    My Problem is, whatever the role the user is assigned to (Content Manager/Creator or user Manager), he always has something like this as Control Panel :

    Hope all of these explanations make the whole thing more understandable.

    Thanks in advance,

Hesediel Jackson, modificado hace 14 años.

RE: Content Manager/Creator, User Manager on Liferay 5.2

Junior Member Mensajes: 37 Fecha de incorporación: 10/03/09 Mensajes recientes
Hi everyone,

I've found a solution to a part of my problem. I can do what I want with the Control Panel of User having the role of Content Manager.

To do this, I've had to go to subversion and take the last revision of the branches 5.2.x .

I always have the same problem with the User Manager. For this role I've set :

  • Users portlet :
    All the rights are activated on the whole portal.
  • Administration portlet :
    I've set the right in order to allow users having this role to add other users.

When I'm logged as an User having User Manager role, I saw in Control Panel the option User (on the left menu) but, when I click on it, it display a page with nothing in it but a title : Users.


The Tomcat error I've had is :

Expected positional parameter count: 14, actual parameters: [10112, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, true] [  SELECT DISTINCT {User_.*} FROM User_   INNER JOIN Users_Orgs ON (Users_Orgs.userId = User_.userId)  WHERE  (Users_Orgs.organizationId = ?)    AND  (User_.companyId = ?) AND (User_.defaultUser = ?) AND ( ((lower(User_.firstName) LIKE ? OR ? IS NULL)) AND ((lower(User_.middleName) LIKE ? OR ? IS NULL)) AND ((lower(User_.lastName) LIKE ? OR ? IS NULL)) AND ((lower(User_.screenName) LIKE ? OR ? IS NULL)) AND ((lower(User_.emailAddress) LIKE ? OR ? IS NULL)) ) AND (User_.active_ = ?) ORDER BY User_.lastName ASC, User_.firstName ASC, User_.middleName ASC]

Edit (07/09/09) :

The parent cause of the Tomcat exposed above is :

Caused by: com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.ORMException: Expected positional parameter count: 15, actual parameters: [12304, 10112, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, true] [  SELECT DISTINCT {User_.*} FROM User_   INNER JOIN Users_Orgs ON (Users_Orgs.userId = User_.userId)   INNER JOIN Users_Roles ON (Users_Roles.userId = User_.userId)  WHERE  (Users_Orgs.organizationId = ?)    AND  (Users_Roles.roleId = ?)    AND  (User_.companyId = ?) AND (User_.defaultUser = ?) AND ( ((lower(User_.firstName) LIKE ? OR ? IS NULL)) AND ((lower(User_.middleName) LIKE ? OR ? IS NULL)) AND ((lower(User_.lastName) LIKE ? OR ? IS NULL)) AND ((lower(User_.screenName) LIKE ? OR ? IS NULL)) AND ((lower(User_.emailAddress) LIKE ? OR ? IS NULL)) ) AND (User_.active_ = ?) ORDER BY User_.lastName ASC, User_.firstName ASC, User_.middleName ASC]

The "Users Admiinistration bug" appears when :
  • We want to manage Users in the Control Panel logged as user when has the riights of User Manager
  • We want to list Users belonging to a groups logged as Users who has the rights of We want to list users belonging to a group logged as user who has the rights of user Manager
  • ...

Any help would be really appreciated.

Edit (07/22/09) :