Search Results for "tags:intranet"
Liferay Version
- Intranet RH2
- OMB Co., Ltd.
- Themes / Site Templates
- $30.00 USD
OMB Intranet RH2 is a Liferay 7.0 theme which is simple but business-friendly responsive design and has many configurable settings for easy
- Biz Theme 81F
- OMB Co., Ltd.
- Themes / Site Templates
- $30.00 USD
OMB Biz Theme 81F is a Liferay 7.0 theme which has simple but modern design, and many configurable settings to organize your website easily
- Biz Theme 82F
- OMB Co., Ltd.
- Themes / Site Templates
- $30.00 USD
OMB Biz Theme 82F is a Liferay 7.0 theme which has simple but cool design, and many configurable settings for easy use. This theme is for
- Agile Org Designer
- Enterprise Know How AG
- Utility
- $5,500.00 USD
Design agile organization structures by drag & drop.
Transform to an agile organization: maintain a stable top-level structure but replace
Transform to an agile organization: maintain a stable top-level structure but replace
- stickyNotes 2.0
- Moisés Belda
- Communication
- Free
stickyNotes is a portlet developed to liferay portal 6.2 that allow us to have a dashboard to post sticky notes, and it can be located
Showing 6 results.
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