Upgrading Liferay.com


In a previous blog post we mentioned that we are currently upgrading the Liferay.com site.  We wanted to share more about that process in hopes that it'll be helpful to other Liferay users who want to upgrade as well.
To upgrade from 6.0 to Liferay Portal 6.1 EE GA2 here's what we did:
1. downloaded the 6.1 EE GA2 tomcat bundle
2. copied the db and the /data folder
3. updated the portal-ext.properties file
4. started the app server
The upgrade process runs automatically.  This is a snapshot from a test we ran last week:
Oct 25, 2012 6:12:32 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
...........................  We're upgrading to 6.1 EE GA2
Starting Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition 6.1.20 EE (Paton / Build 6120 / July 31, 2012)
...........................  Upgrade process starts
06:13:06,809 INFO  [pool-2-thread-1][UpgradeProcess:207] Upgrading com.liferay.portal.upgrade.UpgradeProcess_6_0_12_to_6_1_0
...........................  Check data integrity
08:20:32,480 INFO  [pool-2-thread-1][VerifyProcess:88] Verifying com.liferay.portal.verify.VerifyProcessSuite
...........................  Add database indexes
10:07:56,489 INFO  [pool-2-thread-1][BaseDB:73] Adding indexes
...........................  Server's up!
Oct 25, 2012 6:43:08 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
Also in moving to 6.1EE GA2, we will be our own support customer!  If there are bugs and patches that you encounter, then we'll be on the same page as the rest of the Liferay 6.1 community, doing everything to make Liferay Portal the best product it can be.  This year we also hope to work more closely with Liferay Support so that patches that we need can be more easily distributed to our users.  Maybe we'll even get to the point where fixes are automatically sent out and installed similar to how anti-virus software updates work.
So, what changes will you see on the Liferay.com site?  None!  There won't be any visible changes, everything will work just like before.  We have some exciting changes in store when we perform a overhaul of our website, so stay tuned.  In the meantime, here's some other interesting info for Liferay.com:
74,347  users
554,889 message board posts
293,562 pages
23,770  web content articles
Thanks for reading, and check back for more!
- Peter Shin