With almost 20 years of experience, Brivia_Group stands out as a reference in consultancy, solution development and great expertise in experience and communication for digital channel projects. The company has more than 3 million hours dedicated to software projects for large clients, such as Petrobras, Banco do Brasil, AES South America, Grupo Ultra and GPA. With 600 direct employees in more than 90 cities in Brazil, Latin America and Portugal, Brivia_Group is specialized in various methodologies, such as Agile, Waterfall, Kanban, Scrum and Lean, and certified in a wide range of technologies. One of the company's main differentiators is its expertise in Liferay DXP, offering complete solutions for creating, developing and operating websites and portals. From conception and experience design to advanced customization and seamless operation, Brivia_Group ensures that your digital presence is not only powerful and secure, but fully aligned with your business objectives.
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