Liferay OSGi and SSH Access

Taking forward from where Ray left off with a Telnet to Liferay OSGi, I am taking this step ahead to enable SSH access to Liferay OSGi console, here is my two little reasons on why I want to do it, 

  • I want to secure my OSGi console access, in fact we will go a step ahead and integrate the Liferay Portal JAAS with OSGi ssh console, thereby allow all the Liferay Users to log on to OSGi shell
  • I want to make the SSH'ed user to add ablity to execute Liferay API commands

Though I am complete on the first point above but on the second I feel it will be part of my another blog in this series :) as there are few things that needs to be sorted before I can make the point #2 above work as expected.

A good prequsite for this would be to have the OSGi console set up for Liferay you can either follow the @Ray's blog or if you can clone the Liferay Content targetting repo and fire the ant deploy command from the $CONTENT_TARGETTING_REPO/apps/content-targeting/runtime-dependencies to have the necessary OSGi bundles deployed to your Liferay instance ( this might have some additional Content targetting bundles as well, which is harmless and we can ignore them), for the convinence for this blog and for you to get started quickly I attached the bundles form here which can be dropped on to $LIFERAY_HOME/deploy folder.

Ok lets getting in to action of setting them up,

What SSH bundles I might require ?

  • org.apache.mina.core_2.0.7.v201401071602.jar
  • org.apache.sshd.core_0.7.0.v201303101611.jar
  • org.eclipse.equinox.console.jaas.fragment_1.0.0.v20130327-1442.jar
  • org.eclipse.equinox.console.ssh_1.0.100.v20131208-1728.jar
  • slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar or newer
  • slf4j-simple-1.7.5.jar or newer

You can download the mina and equinox bundles from Equinox Download, I used LunaSR1 at the time of writing this blog.

Once you have added these bundles, you need to add the following properties to your or



# OSGi 


# Telnet


## JAAS enabling


# Security settings, allowing SSH to use sceeenName



## Login
The next step for us would be to create JAAS configuration file " equinox_console_jaas.conf " as shown below at your preferred location, i typically created it at $LIFERAY_HOME/data/osgi,
equinox_console { required debug=true; 

The next step is to tell ssh* bundles, where we have our jaas configuration files, to do that we can edit  the "" in our Liferay Tomcat bundle to  add additional JVM options as shown below,
CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dfile.encoding=UTF8  -Dorg.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.ENABLE_CLEAR_REFERENCES=false -Duser.timezone=GMT -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

#JAAS Options



if you prefer to change JAAS conf file path, please do edit the "" JVM option in above to suit accordingly.

There you go our setup is done and we are good to have ssh enabled by restarting the server, a good idea is to clean the existing $LIFERAY_HOME/data/osgi/state to have clean states for all our bundles.

Once the server is restarted and when you try ssh -p2525 test@localhost  you might see the connection is refused, this is because the SSH console plugin is designed to have lazy start you might need to telnet on to the console using telnet localhost 11311 and then find the `Equinox Console SSH plugin` and start the bundle manually ( this is one time activity and the state is mantained until the bundle is refreshed).  Once the bundle is started you can do the ssh -p2525 test@localhost to see you  will be prompted for a 'password' give the same password for the "test" user as you have set in Portal to see you logged on to Liferay OSGi SSH shell.

Thats it! In my next part of the series we shall we how do we execute the Liferay API commands as liferay user with whom we have sshed.


[1] More on Equinox and SSH/Telnet consoles please refer here



Very cool, Kamesh! I just set this up and it was pretty painless, but a few things you might want to fix: I put the equinox_console_jaas.conf file in the data/osgi folder as you suggested, but I had to fix the path to it in using: EQUINOX_JAAS_OPTS="". Also, when I stopped and restarted the portal, it seems like the ssh keys were re-generated, so when I tried to ssh again, I got a scary error from ssh about changing identifiers. I had to delete the localhost:2225 line from my ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. Finally, your example ssh command from the last paragraph in this blog entry uses port 2525 but your example config sets it to 2225 emoticon Thanks again, this is really awesome! Any idea how I could disable the Telnet part of the Gogo shell (so I don't have potential insecure ports open)?
Hey James, thanks for point out the typos emoticon , Ijust make the to empty in my to disable telnet port, I tried it and got it working. To avoid the "localhosts" form known_hosts checking you can add "NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes" into "~/.ssh/config" or do ssh with option "--o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost" when doing ssh.