Liferay Portal 6.1 CE GA2 Release

It's finally here - Liferay Portal 6.1 GA2! [Download] [Quick Start] [Documentation]

This is an update release for Liferay Portal, bringing a host of fixes and some improvements based on feedback from the community.  

Release Nomenclature

Following Liferay's versioning scheme established in 2010, this release is called Liferay Portal 6.1 CE GA2. The internal version number is 6.1.1 (i.e. the first update release of 6.1). Future CE releases of 6.1 (if any) will be designated GA3, GA4, .. and so on. See below for upgrade instructions from previous releases.


You can find the GA2 release on the usual downloads page. If you need additional files (for example, the source code, or dependency libraries), visit the additional files page.


In addition to the numerous bugs that have been fixed since 6.1 GA1, Several new improvements have gone into this release. Highlights include:


As always, the Liferay Documentation Team has been hard at work updating all of the documentation for the new release. This includes updated javadoc and related reference documentation, and updates to the User Guide and Development Guide. You may have been watching the progress of it via its new home on github, but if not, you can access the full documentation on the documentation page.

Bug Reporting

As always, the project continues to use to report and manage bug and improvement tickets. If you believe you have encountered a bug in the new release (shocking, I know), please be cognizant of the bug reporting standards and report your issue on, selecting the 6.1.1 CE GA2 release as the value for the "Affects Version/s" field.


As a general rule, you can upgrade from one release of Liferay to the next. This means that you can upgrade from 5.2 to 6.0, or 6.0 to 6.1, but not directly from 5.2 to 6.1. For 5.2 to 6.1, you would need to progress from 5.2 to 6.0, then 6.0 to 6.1. See the Upgrading Liferay chapter of the Liferay User Guide for more detail on upgrading to 6.1.

For users of GA1, you can directly upgrade to GA2 following normal upgrade procedures found in the documentation.

Getting Support

Support for Liferay 6.1 CE comes from the wonderful and active community, from which Liferay itself was nurtured into the enterprise offering it is today. Please visit the community pages to find out more about the myriad avenues through which you can get your questions answered. Liferay and its worldwide partner network also provides services, support, training, and consulting around its flagship enterprise offering, Liferay Portal 6.1 EE, an update of which is due to be released shortly after this CE update.

What's Next?

Of course we in the Liferay Community are interested in your take on this update. Work has already begun on the next evolution of Liferay. If you are interested in learning more about how you can get involved, visit the Liferay Community pages and dig in.

Thanks James!

Also, to learn more about the Portal Access Control List (PACL) and Liferay's Plugin Security Management see the Plugin Security Management section of the Development Guide here
Hi James,

Good news indeed. I have a request... How about adding the 6.1.1 tag to the github plugin repository. It is presently available only in the portal repository. Some of us like to build from repository source.
I do not see any documentation on the following areas.
a) how to remove the sample data and themes (not as easy as not deploying the sevencogs hook).
b) the file
Is there any simple way to upgrade existing themes, hooks etc or at least validate their WEB-INF xml and properties files?
I am developing portal using CE 6.1.0. I have integrated liferay with CAS for SSO.
It was working fine.
Now as liferay version CE 6.1.1 has come. I m upgrading the application. But CAS doesnt work with latest version. From CAS login page I give the credentials, it authenticates and generates TGT and ST but doesnt log in the user.

Can someone point out how to configure CAS with liferay v 6.1.1.

What happened to the MediaWiki format? Did we remove the CKeditor? In GA1 you had CKeditor but it appears now in GA2 that it's gone? -> Wiki -> MediaWiki Format.
