Changes to anonymous access to Liferay's SVN

Anonymous access to Liferay's SVN servers now require inputting a username of "guest" with no password. We had to make this change due to some weird bugs with SVN.

That means the command

svn co svn://

will not work, but the command

svn co svn:// --username guest

will work.

Access via also requires inputting a username of "guest" with no password.

Can we access the ee codes?
in svn co svn://

You can get access to EE source code as a subscriber.

Please see the updated and clarified
Hi Brian,

Is there a way to see a list of the new portlets/functions?

We have been following and applying the backported bug fixes on portal/branches/5.2.x
Since sep-01 we do not see any changes (using guest) although we see some issues in the jira where it is stated that the fix is 5.2.x backported. Also we do see changes on the trunk.

Could you clarify if it is a misconfig or a new policy? or is this branch part of the ee or the se source?

Hi Andras,

We continue to make significant improvements in stability and security which will be available right away in trunk (along with the new features), but backports to EE are no longer publicly available.

The EE source code is provided to EE customers. However, SVN access to the EE branches is only available to the Liferay support team.
Try to connect and download repository from Subclipse using command:
svn:// --username guest
but recive the error message;
Can't connect to host ''
Any idea?
Try to connect and download repository from Subclipse using command:
svn:// --username guest
but recive the error message;
Can't connect to host ''
Any idea?