Search Results for "tags:sales"
Liferay Version
- Social Map
- Enterprise Know How AG
- Productivity
- $ 8.250,00 USD
Mit Social Map bringen Sie Benutzer und Organisationen auf den Punkt.
Die Anwendung basiert auf Google Maps und bietet zugeschnittene
Die Anwendung basiert auf Google Maps und bietet zugeschnittene
- Social Map 2.0
- Enterprise Know How AG
- Productivity
- $ 8.250,00 USD
★Social Map für Liferay 7/DXP ★
Mit Social Map 2.0 bringen Sie Benutzer
Mit Social Map 2.0 bringen Sie Benutzer
- Salesforce Opportunities for DXP
- Xtivia, Inc.
- Productivity
- Free
Salesforce Opportunities Portlet has been developed by XTIVIA, the 2012, 2013 & 2014 Liferay North America Partner of the Year. With
- E-commerce store theme
- Rivet Logic Corporation
- Themes / Site Templates
- Free
The e-commerce theme it's a theme with latest UI development design and modern style.
+ The e-commerce theme has been built with HTML5, CSS3
+ The e-commerce theme has been built with HTML5, CSS3
- Salesforce Opportunities
- Xtivia, Inc.
- Productivity
- Free
Salesforce Opportunities Portlet has been developed by XTIVIA, the 2012, 2013 & 2014 Liferay North America Partner of the Year. With
- Salesforce Opportunities Portlet
- Productivity
- Free
More and more companies are using Salesforce, but only dedicated users have access to the information stored in this platform. When using
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