
Social Map 2.0
★ Get Social Map for Liferay 7/DXP ★

Organizations and users come straight to the point with Social Map 2.0.

This app is based on Google Maps and provides tailor-made maps for organization and user pages.

So you can plot user addresses on user pages beside content from Social Graph 2.0. On organization pages you get organization addresses displayed as well as organization member locations, if you want - it’s configurable. It’s up to you.

Click on any marker to pop up an information window that also links profile pages provided at this place. Other links provide direct interaction for e-mail, Skype or a good old phone call. The information window also provides a link to export current data to your address book (VCard).

Thanks to marker clustering and spider-aggregation of markers, as well as filtering, an easy
navigation is guaranteed. The report feature provides navigation tools and marker-animation on
mouse-over rows and complements Social Map 2.0.

• Find organizations and users on Google Maps
• Implement map types for public + private user pages and organization pages
• Provide user locations with user maps
• Provide current organization’s - and its members’ - location with the organization map
• Visualize organizations, contained in Social Graph 2.0, on the same page.
• Link to other pages and interact through the information window: open user or organization pages, interact by mail, phone or skype and add the current entry to your personal address book (VCard)
• Easy navigation thanks clustering markers
• Spidernet for markers sharing the same address
• Filter, zoom and more features are provided by the toolbar.
• Benefit from Google Geocoding with fallback (if configured) to GeoIP-coding (serviced by
FreeGeoIP), current user’s location
• Enjoy the reporting section. It provides quick-locate and zoom, highlights locations.
• Configure maps for each type, profit from rich customization options.

• Obtain overview
• Interact directly
• Link user and organization profile pages
• Geographical allocation of Social Graph 2.0 data
• Easy map configuration per page type

Use Cases:
• Locate hierarchical military units in their fixed or temporary headquarters
• Optimize your B2B/B2C traveling agenda
• Coordinate driving routes and means in case of issues (e.g. fire- or crime-fighting)
• Alert Locations and persons in case of terrorism warning
• Locate health organizations like hospitals, surgeons, cardiologs or other experts SOS
• Build your optimized vendor/service organisations units based on client location density
• Views, Hotels, Gastronomy, Leisure & Golf
• Meet your nearbys - intensify your virtual CRM/Customer Experience.

• English, German

Integrated documentation (PDF):
• User’s Guide (click info button in the toolbar)
• Administrator’s Guide (at documentation link in the setup form)

Straight to the point with Social Map 2.0 - geographical allocation of users and organizations including information and direct interaction. Integration of *Social Graph 2.0 data provided.

*Social Graph 2.0: more information, see product information on https://web.liferay.com/en/marketplace/-/mp/application/86632969 ★Social Map für Liferay 7/DXP ★

Mit Social Map 2.0 bringen Sie Benutzer und Organisationen auf den Punkt.

Die Anwendung basiert auf Google Maps und bietet zugeschnittene Karten für Benutzer- und Organisationsseiten.

Die Konfiguration bestimmt den Inhalt: so wird auf Benutzerseiten primär die Benutzeradressen dargestellt, es können aber auch Organisationen aus Social Graph 2.0 übernommen werden. Auf Organisationsseiten können, nebst Adressen der Organisation, auch deren Mitglieder eingezeichnet werden.

Praktisch, das Infofenster zum jeweiligen Marker: von dort lässt sich direkt die jeweilige Profilseite aufrufen (Verknüpfung), aber auch direkt eine E-Mail schreiben, skypen oder ganz einfach per Telefon anrufen. Der im Infofenster angezeigte Eintrag kann direkt in Ihr Adressbuch übernommen werden (Export).

Dank Cluster- und Spider-Zusammenfassung von Markern, sowie Filter ist stets bequemer Umgang garantiert. Der Reportbereich mit Schnellsprung, bzw. Zoom auf Adresse, sowie Hervorhebung rundet die Anwendung ab.

• Organisationen und Benutzer auf Google Maps einzeichnen
• Karten für: private und öffentliche Benutzerseite, öffentliche Organisationsseite
• Benutzerkarte privat/öffentlich mit Benutzeradressen, Organisationen aus Darstellung Social Graph 2.0
• Organisationskarte, Organisation und deren Mitglieder
• Uebernahme Organisationen aus Social Graph 2.0 auf der selben Seite.
• Interaktion/Infofenster mit Links für Profilseite User/Organisation zur gegenseitigen Verknüpfung, Mail, Telefon, Skype-Call und Addressbuch-Export (VCard)
• Cluster-orientiertes Navigieren
• Spinnennetz für übereinanderliegende Punkte
• Toolbar mit Filter, Zoom und Zusatzbuttons
• Google Geocoding mit Fallback auf Geo IP-Coding (via FreeGeoIP), eigener Standort
• Reportbereich mit weiteren Funktionen Move und Zoom, sowie Hervorhebung Standorte
• Kartentyp für jede Seitenart, anpassbar - Vielzahl von Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten

• rasch Uebersicht gewinnen
• direktes Interagieren
• Verknüpfung der Teilnehmer (Links zu Profilseiten)
• geografische Allokation von Social Graph 2.0-Daten
• gute Anpassbarkeit, pro Seitentyp

Use Cases:
• Finde hierarchische militärische Formationen in festen und temporären Kommando-Posten
• B2B/B2C-Reiseagenda optimal planen
• Fahrten und Mittel für Notfälle koordinieren (bspw. Brandfall, Kriminalitätsbekämpfung)
• Gefährdete Personen und Orte anzeigen (Bsp. Terrorwarnung)
• Orte zu Gesundheitsversorgung (Spitäler, Spezialisten)
• Wählen Sie Standorte von Vertrieb- und Service-Organisationen basierend auf regionale Kundendichte
• Aussichtspunkte, Hotels, Gastronomie, Freizeit & Golf
• Vereinbarung von Treffen mit Freunden oder echtes Erlebnis mit bisher virtuellem CRM Kontakt nahe Aufenthaltsort.

• Deutsch, Englisch
Integrierte Dokumentation (PDF):
• Anwender-Handbuch, via Info Schaltfläche in der Werkzeugleiste
• Administratoren-Handbuch (EN), via Link Dokumentation in der Setup-Maske"

Social Geograph 2.0: Benutzer und Organisationen auf den Punkt gebracht - geografische Allokation, Information und Interaktion. Für Nutzer von *Social Graph 2.0 besteht zudem die Möglichkeit, Graph-Daten zu übernehmen.

*Social Graph 2.0: mehr Informationen im Liferay Marketplace unter https://web.liferay.com/de/marketplace/-/mp/application/86632969
Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Vorlage.
For "." left-hand operand: Expected a hash, but this has evaluated to a string (wrapper: f.t.SimpleScalar):
==> specifications  [in template "3192443#3192485#null" at line 16, column 36]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #if specifications?has_content && spe...  [in template "3192443#3192485#null" at line 16, column 1]
2	channels = restClient.get("/headless-commerce-delivery-catalog/v1.0/channels") 
3	channelId = "" 
6<#list channels.items as channel> 
7	<#if channel.name == "Marketplace Channel"> 
8		<#assign channelId = channel.id /> 
9	</#if> 
12<#if (CPDefinition_cProductId.getData())??> 
13	<#assign specifications = restClient.get("/headless-commerce-delivery-catalog/v1.0/channels/" + channelId + "/products/" + CPDefinition_cProductId.getData() + "/product-specifications") /> 
16<#if specifications?has_content && specifications.items?has_content> 
17	<#list specifications.items as specification> 
18		<#if specification.specificationKey?has_content && specification.specificationKey == "developer-name"> 
19			${specification.value} 
20		</#if> 
21	</#list> 
31.05.17 00:00
Published date
Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Vorlage.
The string doesn't match the expected date/time/date-time format. The string to parse was: "31.05.17 00:00". The expected format was: "MM/dd/yy HH:mm".
The nested reason given follows:
Unparseable date: "31.05.17 00:00"

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${CPDefinition_displayDate.getData()?...  [in template "3192443#3192485#null" at line 4, column 9]
1<#setting date_format="MMMMM d, yyyy"> 
3<#if (CPDefinition_displayDate.getData())??> 
4	${CPDefinition_displayDate.getData()?datetime("MM/dd/yy HH:mm")?date} 
Published Date
31.05.17 00:00
Self-Hosted, Self-Managed
Supported Versions
Resource Requirements
Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Vorlage.
For "." left-hand operand: Expected a hash, but this has evaluated to a string (wrapper: f.t.SimpleScalar):
==> specifications  [in template "3192443#3192485#null" at line 17, column 36]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #if specifications?has_content && spe...  [in template "3192443#3192485#null" at line 17, column 1]
2	channelId="" 
3	channels=restClient.get("/headless-commerce-delivery-catalog/v1.0/channels") 
4	filteredSpecifications=[] 
7<#list channels.items as channel> 
8	<#if channel.name=="Marketplace Channel"> 
9		<#assign channelId = channel.id /> 
10	</#if> 
13<#if (CPDefinition_cProductId.getData())??> 
14	<#assign specifications = restClient.get("/headless-commerce-delivery-catalog/v1.0/channels/" + channelId + "/products/" + CPDefinition_cProductId.getData() + "/product-specifications") /> 
17<#if specifications?has_content && specifications.items?has_content> 
19	<#assign 
20		cpuQuantity = "" 
21		memoryQuantity = "" 
22	/> 
24	<#list specifications.items?sort_by("specificationKey") as specification> 
25		<#if stringUtil.equals(specification.value, "cloud")> 
26		    <script> 
27		        var resourceRequirements = document.querySelector(".marketplace-resource-requirements") 
29						resourceRequirements.classList.remove("d-none"); 
30		    </script> 
31		</#if> 
33		<#if specification.specificationKey?has_content && (stringUtil.equals(specification.specificationKey, "cpu") || stringUtil.equals(specification.specificationKey, "ram"))> 
34			<#if stringUtil.equals(specification.specificationKey, "cpu" )> 
35				<#assign cpuQuantity = specification.value /> 
37				<#if cpuQuantity?has_content> 
38					${cpuQuantity} 
39					<#if cpuQuantity?eval gt 1> 
40						CPUS 
41					</#if> 
42					<#if cpuQuantity?eval lt 2> 
43						CPU 
44					</#if> 
45				</#if> 
46			</#if> 
48			<#if stringUtil.equals(specification.specificationKey, "ram")> 
49				<#assign memoryQuantity = specification.value /> 
51				<#if cpuQuantity?has_content && memoryQuantity?has_content >,</#if> 
52			</#if> 
54			<#if stringUtil.equals(specification.specificationKey, "ram")> 
55				<#assign memoryQuantity = specification.value /> 
57				<#if memoryQuantity?has_content> 
58					${memoryQuantity} GB RAM 
59				</#if> 
60			</#if> 
61		</#if> 
62	</#list> 
Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Vorlage.
For "." left-hand operand: Expected a hash, but this has evaluated to a string (wrapper: f.t.SimpleScalar):
==> specifications  [in template "3192443#3192485#null" at line 16, column 36]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #if specifications?has_content && spe...  [in template "3192443#3192485#null" at line 16, column 1]
2	channelId="" 
3	channels=restClient.get("/headless-commerce-delivery-catalog/v1.0/channels") 
4	filteredSpecifications=[] /> 
6<#list channels.items as channel> 
7	<#if channel.name=="Marketplace Channel"> 
8		<#assign channelId = channel.id /> 
9	</#if> 
12<#if (CPDefinition_cProductId.getData())??> 
13	<#assign specifications = restClient.get("/headless-commerce-delivery-catalog/v1.0/channels/" + channelId + "/products/" + CPDefinition_cProductId.getData() + "/product-specifications") /> 
16<#if specifications?has_content && specifications.items?has_content> 
17	<#list specifications.items?sort_by("specificationKey") as specification> 
18		<#if specification.specificationKey?has_content> 
19			<#if stringUtil.equals(specification.specificationKey, "price-model" )> 
20				<#assign priceModel = specification.value /> 
21				<#if priceModel?has_content> 
22					${priceModel} 
23				</#if> 
24			</#if> 
25		</#if> 
26	</#list> 
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A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.