
Tomcat + SSL

lutz Bremen, geändert vor 11 Jahren.

Tomcat + SSL

Expert Beiträge: 291 Beitrittsdatum: 20.10.11 Neueste Beiträge
I want to add an ssl certificate to my tomcat. i boutght a certificate from our webhoster. i added it to the keystore via keytool und it shows me that i imported the certificate. then i changed the server.xml with

<connector port="443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol" maxThreads="200" scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true" keystoreFile="/webapps/kaeferlive.keystore" keystorePass="changeit" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />

but i cant connect via https.

am i missing anything?
