
IFrame URL Parameters

Wessel Oosthuizen, geändert vor 11 Jahren.

IFrame URL Parameters

Junior Member Beiträge: 25 Beitrittsdatum: 09.08.12 Neueste Beiträge

I would like to pass any parameter in the URL of an IFrame portlet. For example, if the URL is, I would like to pass the logged in username, password, and maybe a permission set for the logged in user in the URL.

So the URL would end up looking something like "Http://<uname>&password=<pwd>&permissions=<permissions>"

Is it possible to do this without any custom coding, like are there any placeholders for those values built into Liferay? For example, if you specify @username@ the portlet would automatically know to replace that value with the loggedin users username at runtime.

So essentially the above URL in the portlet configuration would look something like:

Wessel Oosthuizen
Michele Zanarotti, geändert vor 11 Jahren.

RE: IFrame URL Parameters

Junior Member Beiträge: 94 Beitrittsdatum: 20.02.12 Neueste Beiträge
As they say there
the only solution is to customize the iframe portlet.

When im finished with my own customization , i can add here a more detailed description.
Diego García, geändert vor 8 Jahren.

RE: IFrame URL Parameters

New Member Beiträge: 5 Beitrittsdatum: 01.08.14 Neueste Beiträge
In Liferay 6.x it's not necessary customize the iframe portlet:
Michele Zanarotti, geändert vor 11 Jahren.

RE: IFrame URL Parameters

Junior Member Beiträge: 94 Beitrittsdatum: 20.02.12 Neueste Beiträge
Here's the details :

I wanted to pass the site_id to the iframe. So i used this at the end java code of view.jsp (right before the jstl/aui script parts).

iframeSrc = iframeSrc.replaceAll("\\$site_id", themeDisplay.getLayout().getGroupId()+"");

This will do the trick. In portlet config you can set now your url like that :
sourceUrl :
Jitendra Rajput, geändert vor 11 Jahren.

RE: IFrame URL Parameters

Liferay Master Beiträge: 875 Beitrittsdatum: 07.01.11 Neueste Beiträge
You can do your changes by using hook. Look into html/portlet/iframe/view.jsp