
Documents and Media Display Portelt

Yogesh Garg, geändert vor 11 Jahren.

Documents and Media Display Portelt

Junior Member Beiträge: 51 Beitrittsdatum: 10.11.08 Neueste Beiträge
Hi ,
I am using Liferay CE Version 6.1 GA2.
The Documents and Media Display Portlet shows the Home folder by default. I want to show the User Guide's by default. How can I do that.

What I what is whenever some one login and go to the documents and media display portlet it will se the list of folder and documents undee user guide. Similar to what it was in old version (5.2.3)

Can anyone help me suggest how can I configure it.

Ketan Patel, geändert vor 11 Jahren.

RE: Documents and Media Display Portelt

Junior Member Beiträge: 72 Beitrittsdatum: 04.05.12 Neueste Beiträge
Hi Yogesh,

If you want to change by default Home folder name of Document and Media then you have to create a hook.

In hook, Just override the key value with "User Guide's" instead of Home.For best practices you can change the key value in file.

Let me know if you wants more information from my side.

Ketan Patel
Solution Analysts