Integrating Alfresco Repository to Liferay Documents and Media Portlet

We can integrate Alfresco Repository with Liferay Documents and Media Portlet by using CMIS feature. Liferay 6.1 provides with the very simple configuration management for cmis settings.

Let’s follow few steps for configuration of CMIS in Document and Media portlet.


NOTE: If you are not using any SSO for both servers, Make sure you create a same user admin/admin in Liferay. Doing this you will have common user in both environment.

1. Login with the admin user, go to Control Panel and check your site content setting, which site it is referring, make sure it refers to your desirer site. And Click Documents and Media Portlet.

2. Now In Documents and Media Portlet go to add button and click repository, New Repository page will open. Fill the bellow settings.

Name: Alfresco Repository

Description: Alfresco Repository

Repository Type: CMIS Repository (AtomPub)

Repository URL: http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/cmis

And Save it 

After all done, you will be seeing the Alfresco Repository (Company Home) inside Documents and Media Portlet.


Now you can place the Documents and Media Portlet any page where you want the users should access.

Other related Blog : Integration with alfresco 4.x and Liferay 6.1

Originally I could not get this to work as listed, with a failure error "Please verify your repository configuration parameters." But another blog post fills in the missing steps:

(It also includes some good CMIS information.)

You must first update your with the following properties:

Restart the server, then add the Alfresco repository as described above.
Just found the best practice for CMIS URLs for the different versions of Alfresco:

For Alfresco 3.x : http://[host]:[port]/alfresco/service/cmis
For Alfresco 4.0.x and Alfresco 4.1.x : http://[host]:[port]/alfresco/cmisatom

Please ignore my above comment about 4.1.5.
I have connected exteranl repository as Alfresco in Document and Media portlet.But I am Unable to use Document types and Metadatasets for this Repository. Please suggest how can I use document types and metadataset in this newly created repository.
alfresco is successfully configured with liferay. but i am having issue with when i am opening any document or content .. lets say when i try open image i am getting following exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Page needs a session and none is available
Cannot able to configure with Alfresco as a repository with liferay 6.1.2.
I am getting the following error :-
Cannot able to configure with Alfresco as a repository with liferay 6.1.2 in the document and media portlet .
I am getting the following error :-
Please verify your repository configuration parameters.

My file is like this :-
cmis.system.root.dir=Liferay Home

Also I am not getting any error in the console also.

Please let me know the solution
