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[Solved?] Broken: "Back" (Plugin Installer), "Return to Full Page"

Sebastien Diot, modificado hace 14 años.

[Solved?] Broken: "Back" (Plugin Installer), "Return to Full Page"

Junior Member Mensajes: 35 Fecha de incorporación: 10/02/09 Mensajes recientes
I have "Liferay Portal Standard Edition 5.2.3 (Augustine / Build 5203 / May 20, 2009)" installed as a Tomcat ROOT Bundle. I went to the Plugin Installer, and installed a few themes and layouts. I noticed that the "Back" button in the top right corner that one sees when looking at the description of a plugin is broken. The link looks like this:


As you can see, the host is missing. I have Apache proxy everything to Tomcat like this:

<location />
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

       ProxyPass           ajp://
       ProxyPassReverse    ajp://

Can't really get more simple then this. The link is OK if I go directly to Tomcat http://host:8080/, but not under http://host/. Strange thing is that it only seems to be that one link, and nothing else, so it must be somehow differently implemented then all the others. Should I raise an issue on this? What could I have done wrong? I haven't found anyone else complaining about that. I can't imagine anyone having Tomcat run on port 80 for an real Internet site, so others must have noticed this problem too.


I found another occurrence. If I select "Configuration" for any displayed portlet on a page, the "Return to Full Page" button is also broken. This is a lot more significant, as portlets are much more often configured then installed.
Sebastien Diot, modificado hace 14 años.

RE: Broken: "Back" (Plugin Installer), "Return to Full Page&

Junior Member Mensajes: 35 Fecha de incorporación: 10/02/09 Mensajes recientes
Since I got no reply at all, I downloaded the source code and looked around for the bug myself. In the file "liferay-portal-src-5.2.3\portal-web\docroot\html\portal\render_portlet.jsp", line 670 is this code:

	urlBack = ParamUtil.getString(renderRequestImpl, "returnToFullPageURL");
	urlBack = HtmlUtil.stripHtml(urlBack);

When accessing Liferay under http://host:8080/web/guest/home and configuring a portlet there, the Return to Full Page button is also http://host:8080/web/guest/home, which is what is expected. If I give out the value of "urlBack", it is /web/guest/home. Now if I access Liferay through Apache, the value of "urlBack" is //web/guest/home (notice the double / at the beginning). That is why it doesn't work. Now I can fix this by adding the following lines in the code, but it's really just a hack, as I have no clue why Liferay/Tomcat produce different HTML depending from whether it is accessed directly over 8080 or through AJP.

    if ((urlBack != null) &amp;&amp; urlBack.startsWith("//")) {
        urlBack = urlBack.substring(1);

Does anyone have a clue about the real cause of this problem?
mohammed abdelouhab, modificado hace 13 años.

RE: Broken: "Back" (Plugin Installer), "Return to Full Page&

New Member Mensaje: 1 Fecha de incorporación: 27/02/11 Mensajes recientes

The solution is,
First your problem is occurred because your httpd (proxy-mode) configuration is not correct; your address ajp must be ajp:// and not ajp:// with "/"
<Location />
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

ProxyPass ajp://
ProxyPassReverse ajp://