User Registration (create account) Portlet customization

The registration or create account portlet in Liferay portal can be customized to add/remove some of its field without any coding.

This blog explain some of these customization properties which developers can add them in portal-ext to change the behavior of user registration portlet. - If you do not want your users to provide screen name, you can use this property hide screen name text field. The default value is false. If it is changed to true, the screen name field will not appear on the registration page and screen name will be auto generated by the portal.

login.create.account.allow.custom.password - The default registration portlet in Liferay doesn't provide option of password selection to user. If this property is set to true, the registration screen will show password fields to user and user can provide password of his/her choice. - If your site is not interested in knowing the gender of the user, you can remove gender selection from the page by setting false value of this property. - Last configuration is for birth date field. You can remove bith date selection by setting false value to this property.

Following screen shot shows customized registration portlet using above properties.


captcha.check.portal.create_account - This propery can be used to tell whether or not to use captcha checks for the account creation.


There are few other properties related to user registration which requires more attaention. - Set this to false if you want to be able to create users without an email address. An email address will be automatically assigned to a user based on the property "". If user is entering his email id, the system will not generate a new one. Usually, setting this property to false will make sense when you don't want user to use email address for login.

Nice Feature, I worked on it. It will be very useful, When need of many user creation.
Thank you!! Can you add some info about sending Registration Message Localized? I would like allow registration user choose his language, fill registration form in his language and receive the email notification localized.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Thanks for suggestion. I will try to add this functionality.
thanks for giving us the important info ...manish i want to add a picture while creating an account could u please help me out on this.....we can get this while editing the myaccount but iwant this while creating account.
Hello sir,
This blog is very useful for me to remove some field but i need add some my own field is it possible add field this way?

Thanks in advance.
Tapan Avasthi
Hi Tapan,

As Tina suggested, Custom Attributes are what you're looking for. Check out this wiki: it was written for 5.2.x, so if you are working on 6.0 and you find any changes, please feel free to update the article.
let me tell you my requirement: when i create a user in the same page it self i need to get all existing users in a dropdownlist, so that i can get the id of the user on select,i have tried with custom attribute , but in custom attribute you will only enter the name, you won't get the id of that user , so modifing the create_account.jsp page good idea i think, but iam not able to do this, if anybody know this please tell
It's really great to have this features in commonly used portlet for every project.Thank's a lot
Hi Manish,

I want to show this user registration through a portlet. This portlet will be displayed on a page when a simple user (who has role to create users) logs in .I want to prevent a user to come in control panel to create users.

Please guide me if it is possible.
Hi Pankaj Bansal,

Have you done this custom portlet for user registration? My requirement is the same.

Thank you in advance.
Best Regards!
I notice that there is a phone and address table. Is there a way I can add phone and address to the registration page?

Does anybody know what is the best way to modify registration portlet for it to be able to add different users to different community ? So that there is a form field that lets user choose. I mean, do I need to create Hook or is there another workaround, because it seems to me this need must come up very often. What exactly the hook should do to, what is the best way. Thanks
One way could be through property and writing your own registration portlet.

Dear Denis,

I have seen this configuration

But then where would I find this "/create_account"? Is it written in Java or is it a web-language (hence .url)?

Best regards,
Hi Manish,

if users can't choose his own password (and portal send it by email) a nice feature is to add email address a couple of fields to verify it is correct. Moreover it would be desiderable have the opportunity to enable an "email reset link" also for newly created users so the password is never sent by email.

I am trying to customize those properties in portal-ext properties file, but it doesn't work and those fields are displayed on the Create User page. I am using Liferay 6.0.5 bundle
I'm tryin to customize the user registration but when I set

This doesn't work. Could you help me please? Currently I'm using liferay-portal-6.0.5

Thanks a lot
Hi Manish,

many sites (and also our customer ask for it) have an email verification step before enable a user. An user submit a registration form. After that an email verification link is sent to the user. When the user click on a particular link his account is activated and he is invited to choose his password. Liferay 6 allow this kind of registration procedure ?

Is there an easy way to add custom fields that are created in the control panel (for a user object) to the user registration screen?

For example, if I create a custom field called "favorite color", can I have that show up on the registration screen. Even better, can I mark it as mandatory and put a simple field validator on it?
Is it possible, in a easy way create a page that show directly the Create account page (aka create_account.jsp), with custom attribute, without pass through the Create Account in the sign in porlet?
Hey Paolo, I am also trying to figure out a way to go directly to the Create Account portlet without going through Sign In first. Please let me know you have found a solution.
Thanks Manish, What if we want to add new fields, can we do it without coading??
post thank you much, very good article I need it Thanks for the post. I appreciate the info on blog comments and will surely start looking out for people who are using automated programmes for making blog comment posts.
Is there is option to enable the address fields in the create account form,....?
Thanks Manish, It helps a lot in customization. can you/anyone provide little more brief explanation about portal-ext.

Thanks. emoticon
Thanks for nice article manish, but if i want extra fields in th euser registration form where should i add, please specify the location, because i have changed in create_account.jsp but no change was there, in user registration form
Hi Sri,

Are you using Custom Fields to add the extra fields? If so, be sure to modify the permissions on the custom fields. By default, Guest users can not view or update the custom fields.

You might also want to post your question in the forums along with the code you're using. There are more people viewing the forums and you'll have a better chance of someone responding.
I red somewhere that Liferay 6.1.1 GA2 can manage user creation by workflow. It's true? It would be really nice an article about it.

hi manish ,This is fine ,but if we are making own portlet for edit the user profile in liferay ,How are good ways And also how we can use the liferay default edit profile functionality


Any comment on how to remove prefix and suffix from the create account page in liferay 7.

Apurb Kumar Choudhary